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There were conducted 2 target surveys in Kyiv, Ukraine in April and May 2016. The first was of 105 pupils of the 10th year of study from 2 Kyiv secondary schools. The second was of 90 students from National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, 10 of them were subsequently chosen to be the participants of the following in-depth interviews. In August 2016 were done 5 interviews with Kyiv school teachers chosen according to the references of their colleagues and pupil"s parents. All the process of interviews was agreed with faculty and administrations except teachers who were asked in private.

The results of the surveys

Secondary school pupils

At present, there is an 11-year secondary school education system in Ukraine. We held a poll of the 10th form pupils just in the end of the school year. Before the last year at school, they were ready to speak about their future. The respondents answered whether they have cho-sen their profession, what is the role of their relatives in their choice, what are their motives, do they feel a call for any kind of work, and is it at all necessary for a profession to coincide with a personal calling.

General ideas of secondary school pupils about their future professions:

1. At least 90% of pupils of the capital city of Ukraine are going to get their future profes-sions at the universities and colleges.

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The Experience of Calling: Educational Aspects and Cross-Cultural Comparisons by Yevhen Muliarchuk

2. At least 50% of them before their last year at school have decided what profession they would like to get.

3. 30% of all respondents are going to choose the professions of their parents or close relatives.

Motivation for the professional choice:

1. 70% of respondents are motivated by monetary gain of their future profession.

2. Almost the same, up to 70%, are looking for their personal development in the profes-


3. 30% of pupils think about social prestige of the profession.

4. The same quantity, 30%, thinks that their future work should give them the convenient surrounding of alike-minded people.

5. 30% declared that the main thing for them is a sphere or content of their job.

6. About 30-35% said that they want to serve society or some good purpose in the world.

Personal experience of calling:

1. 33% of pupils declared that they feel a calling for their future profession or for some other kind of occupation in their life.

2. 54% were not sure about what is their calling.

3. 13% answered that they have no feeling or understanding of calling at all.

Attitudes towards calling and professions:

1. At least 50% of respondents said that it is important to choose a profession according to one"s calling.

2. However, 45% said that calling and profession should not necessary coincide.

3. 5% were not able to give their opinion about it.

The results show that every third of 16-17 years old school youth in Ukraine knows what his or her calling is. Not less than 50% of them declare that calling is a base for their future pro-fession choice. 30-35% of respondents have rather altruistic or moral intention for goodness when think of their future occupation. Overall, calling is a relevant idea for Ukrainian youth.

University students

90 students of a National Pedagogical Dragomanov University in Ukraine were polled during April and May 2016. The students were asked if they have plans to go for teaching profession after the university, do they have relatives who are teachers or educators, is it their first profession, what are their motives of choosing their present place of study, what are their internal and external reasons to became teachers, do they feel a calling for the teaching work, is it at all necessary for a profession to coincide with a personal calling.

The intention of education at the chosen university is mainly teaching. Nevertheless, along with teaching qualification students can get other kinds of professions like an interpreter, editor, social worker, university lecturer, etc. That is important for understanding of the obtained data.

Vision about future profession:

1. 23% are going to teach after university.

2. 40% are not sure if they are going to teach.

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The Experience of Calling: Educational Aspects and Cross-Cultural Comparisons by Yevhen Muliarchuk

3. 37% are not going to be teachers.

Reasons for study at the university:

1. 25% are interested to get a teaching profession.

2. 65% have come to the university to study a specific subject like languages, philosophy, etc. without a direct aim to become teachers.

3. 10% have no definite interest in any kind of profession. Their department and the univer-sity were just a place where they went after school.

Only 3% had another profession before the university.

External motivation for teaching profession:

1. 15% think that long-term summer vacation is an important benefit.

2. 6% reckon that teaching gives respect and prestige in the society.

3. 21% see the possibilities of additional earnings along with school lessons as a benefit of teaching.

Overall, the respondents who are going to be teachers do not see much of external benefits of this profession.

Internal motivation for teaching profession:

1. 60% of future teachers would like to work and communicate with children whatever subject it is.

2. 35% would like to teach and educate youth.

3. 29% want to benefit society and serve others.

4. 18% declare a spiritual calling for goodness.

5. 17% first of all like their special subject of teaching.

6. 3% have a religious calling for teaching.

Calling to teaching profession:

1. 25% of the respondents are sure of being called to teach.

2. 52% cannot say if they have or do not have a calling for teaching.

3. 23% of the respondents state definitely that they do not feel any calling for pedagogics.

General attitude towards calling:
