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Brodrick A. H., Man and His Ancestry, Fawcett Publications, 1964.
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Coon C. S., The Hunting Peoples, Little, Brown, 1971.
Coon C. S., The Story of Man, Alfred A. Knopf, 1969.
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Lieberman Ph., Crelin E. S., On the Speech of Neanderthal Man, Linguistic Inquiry, Vol. II, No. 2, Spring, 1971.
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Pfeiffer J. Е., The Emergence of Man, Harper & Row, 1969.
Sullivan W., The Life and Times of Man 200,000 Years Ago, The New York Times, October 17, 1971.
Tobias Ph. V., The Brain in Hominid Evolution, Columbia University Press, 1971.
Wendt H., In Search of Adam, Collier Books, 1963.
Окаменелости и орудия
Bordaz J., Tools of the Old and New Stone Age, The Natural History Press, 1970.
Bordes F" The Old Stone Age, McGraw-Hill, 1968.
Boule M., Vallois H. V., Fossil Men, Dryden Press, 1957.
Brace C. L., Nelson H., Korn N., Atlas of Fossil Man, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1971.
Brose D. S., Wolpoff M. H., Early Upper Paleolithic Man and Late Middle Paleolithic Tools, American Anthropologist, Vol. 73, October, 1971.
Clark D. J., The Prehistory of Afrika, Praeger, 1970.
Flint R. F., Glacial and Quaternary Geology, John Wiley & Sons, 1971.
LeaKey L. S. В., Goodall V. M., Unveiling Man's Origins, Schenkman, 1969.
Oakley К., Frameworks for Dating Fossil Man, Aldine, 1964.
Rycraft W. P., Rhodesian Man and Associated Remains, British Museum (Natural History), 1928.
West R. G., Pleistocene Geology and Biology, John Wiley & Sons, 1968.
Brace C. L., Ridiculed, Rejected, But Still Our Ancestor, Neanderthal, Natural History, May, 1968.
Brace C. L., The Fate of the "Classic" Neanderthals: A Consideration of Hominid Catastrophism, Current Anthropology, Vol. 5, No. 1, February, 1964.
De Lumley Я., A Paleolithic Camp at Nice, Scientific American, Vol. 220, No. 5, May, 1969.
Eiseley L., Neanderthal Man and the Dawn of Human Paleontology, The Quarterly Review of Biology, Vol. 32, No. 4, December 1957.
Smith G. E., Neanderthal Man Not Our Ancestor, Scientific American, August, 1928.
Solecki R. S., Shanidar, The First Flower People, Affred A Knopf 1971.
Weckler J. E., Neanderthal Man, Scientific American, Vol. 197, No. 6, December, 1957.
Wells H. G., The Grisly Folk and Their War With Men, The Saturday Evening Post, Vol. 193, No. 37, March, 1921.
Дополнительный список литературы к русскому изданию
Григорьев Г. П., Начало верхнего палеолита и происхождение Homo sapiens, Л., "Наука", 1968.
Григорьев Г. П., Новые аспекты проблемы происхождения Homo sapiens, Вопросы антропологии, вып. 34, М., Изд-во МГУ, 1970.
Гремяцкий М. А., Проблемы промежуточных и переходных форм от неандертальского типа человека к современному, Ученые записки МГУ, вып. 115, М" МГУ, 1948.
Ископаемые гоминиды и происхождение человека, сб. статей под ред. В. В. Бунака, М., "Наука", 1966.
Кочеткова В. И., Палеоневрология, М., Изд-во МГУ, 1973.
Плисецкий М. С., О так называемых неандертальских погребениях, "Советская этнография", № 2, М., Изд-во АН СССР, 1952.
Поршнев Б. Р., Проблема реликтовых палеоантропов, "Советская этнография", № 2, М., "Наука", 1969.
Рогинский Я. Я., Проблема прародины человека современного типа, в сб.: "Наука и человечество", М., Изд-во АН СССР, 1964.
Рогинский Я. Я., Проблемы антропогенеза, М., "Высшая школа", 1969.
Якимов В. П., Неандертальская проблема в трудах советских антропологов, "Советская антропология", № 1, М., Изд-во МГУ, 1957.
Источники иллюстраций
Cover - Painting by Burt Silverman, background photograph by Ernst Haas. 10 - Drawing by Hermann Schaaffhausen, Der Neanderthaler Fund. Marcus Publishers, Bonn 1888, courtesy University Library, Bonn, photographed by Edo Koenig; Reconstruction by M. Joanny - Durand under the supervision of Marcellin Boule courtesy Institute de Paleontologie Humaine, Paris, photographed by Dmitri Kessel; Reconstruction by Carleton Coon courtesy University Museum, University of Pennsylvania, photographed by Reuben Goldberg - Reconstruction by G. Wandel courtesy Dr. F. Krantz, Rheinisches Mineralien-Kontor, photographed by Edo Koenig; Reconstruction by Carleton Coon courtesy University Museum, University of Pennsylvania, photographed by Reuben Goldberg; Reconstruction by R. N. Wegner courtesy of the American Museum of Natural History - Reconstruction by M. M. Gerasimov, from the book "The face Finder" by M. M. Gerasimov. English Translation Copyright © 1971 by Hutchinson& Co. (Publishers) LTD. Reproduced by permission of the publishers, J В Lippincott Company; Reconstruction by Adolph H. Schultz courtesy the Anthropological Institute, Zurich University, photographed by Rudolf Rohr; Reconstruction by Gerhard Heberer. 14 - Derek Bayes courtesy Victoria and Albert Museum, London - Culver Pictures; The Mansell Collection, London. 15 - Culver Pictures; Osterreichische Nationalbibliothek - The Mansell Collection, London; Thames & Hudson "Darwin and His World". 18 - Rheinisches Landesmuseum Bonn; Staatsbibliothek Berlin; Underwood & Underwood. 19 - By Permission of The Librarian, University College, Galway, Ireland; The Bettmann Archive; Roger Viollet. 23 - Courtesy of Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago. 26, 27 - Skull courtesy University Museum, University of Pennsylvania. Sculpture by Nicholas Fasciano, photographed by Ken Kay. 29 through 37 - Paintings by Herb Steinberg, background photographs are listed separately: 29, 30, 31 - Dean Brown. 32 - Bernard Wolf. 33 - Dean Brown. 34, 35 - Bernard Wolf. 36, 37 - Dr. George Gerster from Rapho-Guillumette. 38 - Map by Lowell Hess. 42, 43 - Lee Boltin courtesy Professor Ralph Solecki, Columbia University. 46, 47 - Dean Brown. 50. 51 - Sebastian Milito courtesy Marie-Antoinette and Henry de Lumley. 56, 57 - Lee Boltin courtesy Professor Ralph Solecki, Columbia University. 59, 60, 61 - Fritz Goro courtesy Dr. Jeffrey Bada, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California. 62, 63 - Ian Yeomans courtesy J. H. Fremlin, The University of Birmingham. Birmingham, England. 64 - Erich Hartmann from Magnum courtesy Dr. T. Dale Stewart, Smithsonian Institution. 65 - Brian Hesse courtesy Isabella Drew. 66 - Erich Hartmann from Magnum courtesy Dr. William Farrand and Paul Goldberg, University of Michigan. 67 Paul Goldberg. 68, 69 - Erich Zartmann from Magnum courtesy Steve Kopper, Long Island University. 70 through 81 - Drawings by Victor Lazzaro. 83 - Farrell Grehan for LIFE. 84, 85 - Ernst Haas. 86, 87 - Harald Sund. 88, 89 - Dale Brown. 90, 91 - Victor Englebert from De Wys, Inc. 92, 93 - Harvey Lloyd from Nancy Palmer Photo Agency. 94. 95 - Dale A. Zimmerman and Marian Zimmerman. 96 through 113 - Drawings by Herb Steinberg. 115 through 121 - Paintings by Don Punchatz. 125 - Grawing by George V. Kelvin. 128 - Paintings by Adolph E. Brotman. 131 - Courtesy Musee de l'Homme; The Mount Everest Foundation. 135 through 149 - Courtesy Professor Ralph Solecki, Columbia University.