The whoosh sound as the rock passed through the air was followed by a painful moan.
A man held his forehead and fell backwards. Blood was flowing through the gap of his fingers.
Tang Thirty Six"s second stone quickly followed. Another man"s teeth was knocked out and his mouth was filled with blood.
The crowd outside of the Academy finally realized what was happening and screamed for doctors. Some people yell angrily and wanted to counter attack and some people rushed to the Forbidden Army and pointed at their bleeding companions. They wanted the army to capture the criminals. The field was filled with chaos.
Finally, some people started fighting back. They picked up random items from the ground and threw them at the entrance of Tradition Academy.
The field turned into a battleground and the Forbidden Army standing in front of the wall of Tradition Academy couldn"t do anything to stop either sides.
Earlier when the crowd was picking up stones, Tang Thirty Six and Chen Chang Sheng had left the entrance and climbed up the wall using a ladder. Tang Thirty Six asked Chen Chang Sheng to pass stones from the ground to him. There was a flower garden behind this wall and a thin layer of rocks was beneath the garden. Their supply of rocks was limitless.
But the situation outside the Tradition Academy was completely different. The Hundred Blossom Street was always well cleaned, and it was hard to find rocks on the marble floor. What could the crowd do but shovel the marbles out of the ground? It may be faster for the crowd to go back home and get their knives from the kitchen.
Some people looked at the broken entrance of Tradition Academy and noticed that there were many rock pieces and leftover wood fragments as well. They wanted to go and gather some ammunition, but Jin Yu Lu was still sitting on his chair. Who could walk past him?
One side was well prepared while the other not. The winner of this fight would be decided quickly.
Tang Thirty Six occupied the top of the wall. Every time he threw a stone, one person would fall.
Painful moans never stopped and several dozens of people were injured by the stones.
Just this morning, Tradition Academy"s door was crushed by the carriage of Tian Hai Family and now the entire capital was cursing at the Academy. Tang Thirty Six endured long enough and he finally found a chance to relieve that stress. He didn"t hold back and the stones flew off his hand to bring pain to the crowd.
Some people stood in the back and thought he couldn"t hit them. They widened their eyes and cursed loudly, but moments later, stones flew from the wall of Tradition Academy and hit them on the head. The crowd was immediately put down.
.........What was Tang Thirty Six thinking when he was enchanting the power of qi onto the stones to throw them at people?
"So refreshing!"
He stood upon the wall and yelled while swinging his hand casually. Every stone that he threw hit someone.
The young genius on the Honor Roll of Green Cloud was using qi to fight against these rioting ordinary civilians. Was this not bullying?
He had already entered the peak of Meditation stage and it could be said that he was one of the best xiuxingists of the younger generation. Even if he didn"t use qi intentionally, the stones threw from his hand made a large impact. How could the people in the street handle them?
The cursing in front of Tradition Academy was replaced by painful moans. The loud insults already changed into cries.
The crowd in front of Tradition Academy was already running away trying to dodge Tang Thirty Six"s attack. Blood was spilled on the ground and dusts swirled in the air.
In just a few moments, the enemy of Tradition Academy was eliminated.
"Too much, too much."
The young vice general of Forbidden Army saw the situation and finally had enough. He turned around and yelled at Tang Thirty Six who was on the top of the wall.
Speaking of which, Tang Thirty Six knew exactly what he was doing. He didn"t stand at any other places but right on the top of the wall that the Forbidden Army was standing in front of. Previously the crowd did gather some stones from the ground, but when they counter attacked, at least half of them were afraid of hitting the army and didn"t use much force.
Tang Thirty Six didn"t stop throwing and asked, "What"s too much?"
The young vice general said reluctantly, "You have already injured the crowd, is this not too much?"
"You previously said that they control their mouths and the voice can only be heard in the Academy so you couldn"t do anything. Now if the stones are mine, the hands are mine and the rocks are flying outside of the academy by accident. What"s the difference between the two? Plus, they threw the first rock."
After saying these words, Tang Thirty Six glanced at the crowd and made sure Xuan Yuan Po had already left. He was reassured and he continued hitting the crowd with rocks.
The street was filled with dust and cries. People helped each other and ran away. The situation was helpless and they looked like soldiers who had just lost in a battle.
Although the crowd was scattered, Tang Thirty Six was still not satisfied. He squinted and held a stone while focusing on the person in the back of the crowd. He remembered clearly that this person had said Chen Chang Sheng only relied on women. He couldn"t let him run away with only a scraped head.
Due to the marriage vow, the entire capital was showing their hatred toward Tradition Academy and Chen Chang Sheng.
Tang Thirty Six threw away the hatred and his stress through the stones in his hand.
Chen Chang Sheng didn"t do much. He just kept on passing stones from the garden to Tang Thirty Six. If it was his usual self, he might have thought it was all a waste of time and life but today, he was happy. He didn"t even notice that his shirt was pierced by the thorns of the flower.
He realized that there are many ways of life, or many ways of living life.
Perhaps there are meaningless ways, but nevertheless interesting ways.
Plus, it was easy to be happy this way.
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Suddenly, the young official jumped on the wall and blocked him from proceeding. He scolded in a low voice, "Enough. If you really kill someone, then it won"t be good for anyone. Xuan Yuan Po is big, did you really think no one would recognize him?"
Tang Thirty Six shrugged, threw the rock back into the garden near the wall and said, "Thanks."
If the young vice general and the Forbidden Guards hadn"t been here today, he still wouldn"t have allowed the crowd to continue humiliating the Tradition Academy and Chen Chang Sheng. But no matter what, he wouldn"t have been as happy as he was now and he didn"t have to be concerned with the consequences.
The young vice general said expressionlessly, "You don"t need to thank me. I only hope you remember what you said."
Tang Thirty Six"s expression changed slightly. He said, "I said many words today."
The young vice general patted his shoulder and said earnestly, "You mentioned my sister, and affronted my family. At least you should take some responsibility?"
Tang Thirty Six said without hesitation, "I am concentrating solely on xiu xing now. So I decided to not consider marriage before fifty."
Hearing his words, the young vice general"s expression suddenly changed. He said angrily, "What the fuck, then how about my sister?"