Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

90) Nikola Tesla, World's Greatest Engineer

6) An Underground Electromagnetic Sounder Experiment I

91) Nikola Tesla's Bold Adventure

7) Anomalous Cloud Phenomenon 9 April 1984 - Bearden

92) OF Oscillator

8) Antigravity - Burridge

93) On Free Energy and the Bedini Motor by Tom Bearden

9) Anti-Gravity Power

94) OTC-X1 Spacecraft

10) Atomic Energy Beam Rivals Heat of the Sun, VTVM Cancer Detector

95) Paraphysics and the New Energy Technology Part 1 - Louis Acker

11) Atomic Transmutations - Michio Kushi

96) Paraphysics and the New Energy Technology Part 2 - Louis Acker

12) ATREE - A New Power Source

97) Partial Bibliography on the Effects of ELF Magnetic Fields on Living Beings

13) Bedini Energy Device for Space Flight

98) Patent 4,325,795

14) Bedini-Brandt Circuits

99) Non-Inductive_Electrical_Resistor

15) Bee Pollen

100) Pegasus 1

16) Bioeffects of Geotachyonic Disturbances, Underground Noxious Rays, & Electronic Smog - Vince Wiberg

101) Pegasus 2

17) Bjorn Ortenheim

102) Pegasus-Tesla_Physics_etc_1984

18) Bourke Engine

103) Permanant Magnet Motor

19) Building a Mini Tesla Coil

104) Phoenix Radioclast, Radionics, Psionics Machine

20) Building Tesla's Famous Coil - EE

105) Pi, Phi, and Loops

21) California - A Date With Disaster

106) Polarized Multilayer Theory of Cell Water - King

22) Can Science Create Life?

107) Possibility of Experimental Study of the Properties of Time  - NA Kozyrev

23) Cernitin

108) Principles of Radio Communication-John H. Morecroft

24) Circuit Drawings - Ronald Brandt to John Bedini

109) Priore Machine

25) Circuit for Reducing Voltage Stress Across a Transformer

110) Pyramide Energy Stand 1

26) Cole Generator Part 1

111) Pyramide Energy Stand 2

27) Cole Generator Part 2

112) Radiesthetic Readings etc

28) Cole Motor

113) Radio Waves & Life Part 1

29) Composition and facts about foods

114) Radio Waves & Life Part 2

30) DC Motor Having Improved Commutation Means - Peterson

115) Ray Guns from 1940

31) Defense in a N-dimensional World - Technological Suprise Must Be Prevented by Stefan Possony

116) Solitons

32) Design, Construction & Operating Principles of Electromagnetics for Attracting Copper, Aluminum & Other Non-Ferrous Metals

117) Some Experiments in Tesla's Lab with Currents of High Potential and High Frequency

33) Ecklin Generator - Ole Nilsen

118) Soviets Break Ice for Missles

34) Eike Mueller Visits John Bedini

119) Space Venture

35) Electric Power from the Earth - L.  George Lawrence

120) Stationary Armature Generator 1

36) Electrical Experimenter June 1913

121) Stationary Armature Generator 2

37) Electricity & Magnetism

122) Superconductivity

38) Electrifying Plastics

123) Tachyon Energy

39) EMA

124) Tesla Articles etc.

40) EMP

125) Tesla Coil

41) Energy Level Interpretation of Cancer

126) Tesla from Science-1958

42) Energy Unlimited #14

127) Tesla- Inventor Ahead of his Time

43) Energy Weapons

128) Tesla- Proceedings of the IRE

44) Flower Pollen - Nature's Perfect Food

129) Tesla Technology General Report 1

45) Flux Linkages and Electromagnetic Induction - LV Bewley

130) Tesla Technology General Report 2

46) Freeman W Cope Papers - Magnetic Monopoles

131) Tesla Technology General Report 3

47) Fundamental Problem with EM theory - Bearden

132) TG Hieronumus - Diagnostic-Broadcast Treatment System

48) Gelinas Patents Curl-Free Magnetic Vector Potential

133) The Anti-Gravity Handbook - Cox

49) Hamell Disc

134) The Electrinium Battery

50) 50 Hans Coler Inventions

135) The Electromatic Motor Car

51) High Power EM Experiments in USSR

136) The Energy Crisis - The Problem & a Possible Solution

52) H-MIT Vector Potential Research Presentation to DARPA

137) The Engine That Runs Itself - Gray

53) H-MIT Vector Potential Research

138) The Engine That Runs Itself

54) Homopolar High-Frequency Non-Reluctant Generator - WJF Muller

139) The Hans Coler Inventions Part 2

55) Hooper Material 2

140) The Hubbard Energy Transformer - Gaston Burridge

56) Hooper Material 1

141) The Immortal Life-Giving B-Cell

57) How Man Transform the Laws of the Universe

142) The New Age Battery Which Recaptures the Solar Force - Beti King

58) How Plants Grow in the Golden Mean Ratio

143) The New Science

59) How to use the Higher Mind & Develop Better Understanding

144) The Omnar Flat Driver

60) How You Can Build an ESP Machine

145) The Orgone Energy Accumulator

61)  Hypercube Speaker Enclosure

146) The Oscillatory Chamber

62) Inventor Takes on Einstein

147) The Russian Lakhovsky Rejuvenation Machine

63) Ion Tester

148) The Secret of the Faraday Disc

64) Kaitoku Seamount & the Mystery Cloud of 9 April 1984

149) The Smith Coil

65) Kessler Test on Bedini Hypercube & JBL L-40 Loud-Speaker Enclosures

150) The Space Drive Handbook - Cox

66) Kromrey Generator

151) The Space-Flux-Coupled Alternator - Floyd Sweet

67) Lakhovsky-Multiple Wave Oscillator

152) The Transistorized Coil

68) Le PSI et les Appareils Energetiques de Daniel

153) The Transmission of Electric Energy Without Wires - Tesla

69) Magnet Powered Motor - Howard Johnsom & Reversible Energy Fluctuation Converter - Joseph C Yater

154) The Ultimate Compound - Lithium by Haroldine

70) Magnetic Mood Pacer, Flame Speaker, Crystals. Valley of Kings etc.

155) Theory of Pulsar Operation by Bearden

71) Magnetic Pacer

156) Transistorized Semi-Automatic Radionic Device for Diagnosis & Healing

72) Man in a Gas of Tachyon Magnetoelectric Dipoles - Freeman W. Cope

157) Unorthodox Energy Data Base Assembled by Tom Valone

73) Markovich Project

158) USSR - New Energy Beam Possible

74) Markovich Tesla Electrical Power Source 2

159) Valley of the Kings

75) Markovich Tesla Electrical Power Source 1

160) Various Articles on EM etc 1

76) Measuring Subtle Energy

161) Various Articles on EM etc 2

77) Method & Means for Obtaining Photographic Images of Living and Other Objects

162) Various Articles on EM etc 3

78) Misc Pages & Articles 1

163) Various Articles on EM etc 4

79) Misc Pages & Articles 2

164) Various Devices & Circuits

80) Misc Pages & Articles 3

165) Volta & His Electric Pile

81) Misc. Free Energy, Wave Theory of the Aether by T.J.J.See

166) W Device etc - Bearden

82) Misc. graphs

167) Walter Russell

83) Misc

168) Water - Fuel of the Future

84) Moray Machine

169) Weather Control 1

85) Moray Radiant Energy Receiver

170) Weather Control 2

База патентов СССР

В СССР была целая серия успешных опытов и изобретений безтопливных либо самопитаемых энергетических установок, которые были зарегистрированы. Однако дальше опытных образцов дело не пошло.

Генераторы или двигатели, не отнесенные к другим рубрикам и предполагаемые вечные двигатели с использованием электрических или магнитных средств (H02N11)*

Генератор тока // 2578201

Способ генерирования электрической энергии // 2572847

Спиральный взрывомагнитный генератор и способ кумуляции импульса тока // 2568675

Низкопотенциальный преобразователь энергии перепада температур с элегазом // 2564994
