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"Slap." However, who would've expect that right after that man chewed a couple times, Shen Lang immediately gave him a slap to the face, knocking him to the ground. The powerful strength behind the slap not only caused the man to spit out the food in his mouth, it also caused him to spit up blood along with the food.

"I told you to stop making noises, are you fucking deaf or what? Go and eat that food on the floor. Remember, do not fucking make any noises while eating that. If you make a noise again, I'll give you another beating." Chided Shen Lang as he pointed to that pile of food on the ground that were chewed a couple times, containing blood with it and appeared very disgusting.

Towards this scene, many people had a cold grin as they watched. They all had an expression of spectators enjoying a show. Even if there was anyone who was displeased by what was happening, no one dared to show their displeasure. Instead, they continued to mind their own business and eat their own meals as they were unable to bear watching the scene of that man being bullied by Shen Lang.

"That Shen Lang is truly damnable. Isn't it only because his strength is a bit stronger? There was no need for him to go this far with bullying someone." Li Lei who was beside Chu Feng was unable to contain himself and muttered his indignation softly. He was extremely disgusted with Shen Lang's actions. However, as he was only a rank nine Heaven Realm cultivator, he did not dare to step forward to do anything. All he could do was mutter in a low voice of his displeasures beside Chu Feng.

"Li Lei, what do you think about this steamed bun?" Suddenly, Chu Feng picked up a large savorily looking steamed bun.

"That steamed bun is pretty decent. It's made out of special food materials and also contain medicines that are beneficial to one's body. Although it appears like an ordinary steamed bun, the nutritious value that it contains within it is rather exceptional. It is definitely not something that an ordinary person could make. At the very least, it is something that would require at least only a gold-cloak World Spiritist to make."

"One must admit that this Southern Cyanwood Forest is truly an amazing large power. For even disciples like us to be able to eat such food, it is truly an extraordinary spending of wealth."

Said Li Lei in an extremely earnest manner. While he said those words, Li Lei even had a trace of honored expression on his face. He was feeling honored to be able to become a disciple to a power like the Southern Cyanwood Forest.

"Apooh." Chu Feng slightly smiled at Li Lei's evaluation. After that, he opened his mouth and a large lump of sticky phlegm was spit onto the steamed bun. He then asked again, "What about now?"

"Brother Chu Feng, you, you, you, you are?" Li Lei was completely startled by Chu Feng's action. He felt extremely puzzled.

Seeing Li Lei's stupefied reaction, Chu Feng only smiled once more. He then swung his arm back and did an astonishing action. His hand waved, the steamed bun in his hand was thrown out. Moreover, the person that it was shooting toward was precisely that Shen Lang.

The speed of Chu Feng's throw was not very fast. It could be said that he had attracted the attention of many people. However, concealed within his throw was his profound techniques. At practically the time when everyone discovered that there was a steamed bun flying over, at the time when that Shen Lang discovered that something's amiss and was planning to dodge.

That steamed bun started to strangely accelerate in speed. Following that, an astonishing scene appeared. A large steamed bun covered with sticky phlegm, before everyone's eyes, landed on Shen Lang's face squarely.

Although this steamed bun appeared to be soft, it was even harder than iron after being thrown out by Chu Feng. When it landed on Shen Lang's face, it gave of a loud 'bang,' causing that Shen Lang to scream 'oww' in pain. At the same time, he was knocked flying by the steamed bun. He only stopped flying after he collided to the wall of the dining hall and fell to the ground.

At the moment when Shen Lang fell to the ground, he opened his mouth to spit not only a mouthful of blood but also six shattered teeth. The thing that caused him the most anger was that when he touched his bruised and swelling side face, he actually touched a sticky substance. Upon close inspection, fuck, it was a large mouthful of sticky phlegm.

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MGA - Chapter 1026

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MGA: Chapter 1026 - Do Not Leave a Single Grain Behind

"Which fucker threw this?" To be humiliated like so, caused Shen Lang to become extremely angry. He raised his head and shouted at the crowd.

"Woosh." However, who would've thought that before he finished his words, a plate came flying toward him. "Clang." Not only did that plate smash onto Shen Lang's face and shatter into pieces, it even blood-soaked Shen Lang's face. Even his nose had been broken by the plate. Just like that, a very handsome man had been disfigured.

"Heavens, this is?" At this moment, everyone discovered the person who attacked. Especially Li Lei who stood beside Chu Feng, his eyes were wide open and his tongue was tied. Standing there with a stupefied expression, the shock on his face was completely evident.

Everyone present were shocked. That was because they all know of Shen Lang and knew who he was. One must know that he was a well-known first-rate genius from the Southern Sea Region. However, as for Chu Feng, not a single person knew who he was.

However, the attack that Chu Feng displayed earlier was very neat and tidy. It could even be said that his attack was ruthless. This lead them to realize that Chu Feng was an extremely powerful character.

However, regardless of that, Shen Lang's fierceness was engraved deep in their hearts. Thus, regardless of who Chu Feng was, when they thought of what he had done earlier and recalled how Shen Lang was struck down by him, everyone felt that what had happened was inconceivable.

Right at the moment when everyone was stupefied, Chu Feng looked to Shen Lang who was knocked to the ground, had his face covered with blood and generally in a very sorry state. He said, "When I'm eating, you are to fucking be quiet. If you dare to speak again, I'll cut your tongue out."

After saying those words, Chu Feng acted as if nothing had happened and sat back down, picked up his bowl and chopsticks and began to mind his own business and gorge himself with food. As if he was trying to deliberately anger Shen Lang, Chu Feng started making a lot of noises with his mouth as he ate his food. The sound of him eating was simply not something that one could endure. It could be said that it was ear-piercingly loud.

However, even though this was the case, no one dared to say anything. Actually, at this very moment, everyone was stunned in place and blankly looked at Chu Feng eating his food. On their faces were expressions of both surprise and fear.
