Литмир - Электронная Библиотека


My love! I am at home today!!! When you can call on Skype?

I do it honey later when am free here..partner always nearby me

You've already had breakfast my sweet heart?

Not yet honeyy! I prepare now for my breakfast..he cook early this morning..am home.fir my breakfast today honey..i onl

I went home for my breakfast.i only drink my coffee before i went to salon this morning..

You're eating too little as the Hummingbird!

Hahahaha..shall we eat honey!

I do my breakfast with your music honeyy!


I am done


Who you chat?

Wow !!!! How is it nice my girl !!! You know what I dream honey? I want to live with you on an island in the Pacific Ocean !!! Only you and i honey !!!

Wow!! Honey! I like that

We have stood up in the morning with you !! I sat down at the piano !!!! I would play your music! Would you suck my dick !!!! I'd played the last chord and finished the honey in your mouth !!!! It's your breakfast my Hummingbird!

I am willing to stay in an island with you

Hahahaha..yes , my honey

I suck your dick

You play your piano..sometimes i open your pajama and brief ..i hold your dick..i masturbate your dick honey


I see your face..i want to hug you tight

I kiss

Aaaaahhh !! I lick your dick


You seducing.me here

What are you doing

You hang me

What happen to you honey?

You are off and on ? Why ?

Are you already want me to lost in your life slowly? Talk to me..i off my cp if you want it

I mail you..but you do not responce? And you told me again you have bad internet? How come you had no entern

No internet? I see here you have goog signal

You have good connection

Tell me what is the problem..do not deny me..cuz i feel something happen in you there!!

I can understand what ever it is happen..i can handle my self cuz i am a business woman i am strong personality..i cry because of love..but i can handle it





My love!!! Why are you angry again? I had breakfast! Then he went into the shower !!! I'm here!!! Are you free now?

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I am not here

You hang me!! You said.. i suck your dick? After you seduce me, you are left me!!

Who you chat?

I think..you chat some one!!

Tell me!!


Teeelll mee!!!

My love!!! Now everything is fine!!! Slightly hung !!! And where are you now honey?

You send your dick photo , then you left me here..

Why do not you take the handset honey?

I want to bang my handset

I thought you were busy !!! You said that your partner next to you !!!

Yes..nearby me..but i can chat you anytime

Unless i am so busy

My love!!! I want to hug and kiss you!!! You told me even today is not sent your photo honey !!! I am very angry so !!!


I really love you honeyyy

If you did not mail i am so sad..

I love you very much!!! Now I want to see you honey !!!

I am very sad without you!

Me too honeyy

But i can not send you my photo now , cuz my eyes very bad again

I do not want to show my ugly eyes today honeyy

Honey!!! You close your eyes and send me a photo !!! I want it!

I told you yesterday threatened my finger !!! You can not cry baby !!! I will punish you!!! My dick will peck your ass !!!

Wow !!!! Honey!!!! How do you well camouflaged !!!! A person still sad! I have clearly seen that you cry!

Honeyy!! That is why some times i can answer your call..cuz i started crying if i heard your voice

Delete my picture honeyy..i am so ugly in that photo

No honey !!! I love your face anytime !!! I will kiss it now honey !!! You feel?

Aaaahh..i feel it honeyy

Honey!!! I want you so much!!! When you are free?

I am free until 1:30 , as long as we do not have customer

Honey!!! I want you so much!!! When you are free?

I am free until 1:30 , as long as we do not have customer honeyy

I did my nap for 9minutes together with your music, Humming bird honey


I am happy that my music helps you live honey !!! You're having dinner tonight? I have eaten the soup !!!

Wow !!!! I love when my girl laughing !!!


I' m laughing but my eyes had eye bags ..not looking good honeyy.i sat beside you with your lunch honey

I like your soup honeyy

And most especialy your own soup..hahahahA..sperma!!.like a said your friend sergey..hahahaha

My love!!! I'll pour a bowl of soup !!! You will eat with sour cream or without?

Hahahaha..you need more soup honeyy..cuz i everyday get out your cum..sperma 2x a day or more than that?

Hahahahaha !!!! Wow !!! My love!!! You and I are the real freaks !!! Do you like my cum !!! I love your pussy juice !!!

Me too ..honeyy!! And the real future we met..i lick your sperm

I want it to do it for you my honeyy

Because i want to show you my love for you my honeyy!!

I did not do this to partner never since we live together

Everytime he fuck me ..i am like a toy doll he said..no life.

I believe you my baby !!! I kiss you all! I'll lick your body onl the meeting!

I'm boring he said..what ever he said i accept it cuz it's true

Everytime he fuck me..i remember what he did for me before

I am happy when he work alone with me before ..but now..i really mad..until i met you

That is why he sleep to other bed..

He knows what happen to us until now..

Honey!!! That's because you do not love him !!!

He is behave me cuz..he does not know that i in love to other person in you

Yes..i do not love him ever since ..

That is why ..i told you after 7 years or more than that..i separate from him..i want alone

Amazing! Honey! my wife and I slept on separate beds for 8 years! It is a joke of God !!!

I want to behave and sacrifice just for my youngest daughter..she still studying now 9grade

Yes honeyyy

May be ..i always crying cuz..i found you my love in the wrong time

If my youngest finish her study..i live with out him..i know you do not live me..cuz of our defficult situation honey

That is why i always mad of you..i know in real you can not live me ..never honey

I can live alone with out him..but i can take if my.youngest daughter did not finish her study
