“You are certainly very natural in America,” answered Lord Canterville, who did not quite understand Mr. Otis’s last observation, “and if you don’t mind a ghost in the house, it is all right. Only you must remember I warned you.”
A few weeks after this (несколько недель спустя; after this – после этого), the purchase was concluded (покупка была совершена; to conclude – заключать; заканчивать), and at the close of the season (и в конце сезона) the Minister and his family went down to Canterville Chase (посол и его семья переехали в Кентервиль Чейз; to go down – спускаться; уезжать на каникулы; переезжать). Mrs. Otis, who, as Miss Lucretia R. Tappan, of West 53d Street (которая / еще под именем / мисс Лукреции Р. Тэппан с Западной 53-й улицы), had been a celebrated New York belle (была известной нью-йоркской красавицей), was now a very handsome, middle-aged woman with fine eyes (/и/ теперь была очень интересной средних лет женщиной с прекрасными глазами), and a superb profile (и безукоризненным профилем).

A few weeks after this, the purchase was concluded, and at the close of the season the Minister and his family went down to Canterville Chase. Mrs. Otis, who, as Miss Lucretia R. Tappan, of West 53d Street, had been a celebrated New York belle, was now a very handsome, middle-aged woman, with fine eyes, and a superb profile.
Many American ladies (многие американские женщины) on leaving their native land (покинув свою родную землю; to leave – оставлять, покидать) adopt an appearance of chronic ill-health (принимают вид хронических больных; ill-health – нездоровье), under the impression that it is a form of European refinement (под впечатлением, что это и есть форма европейской утонченности), but Mrs. Otis had never fallen into this error (никогда не впадала в это заблуждение; error – заблуждение, оплошность, ошибка; to fall). She had a magnificent constitution (она обладала прекрасным телосложением), and a really wonderful amount of animal spirits (и действительно необыкновенным зарядом жизнерадостности; wonderful – удивительный, замечательный; amount – количество; animal spirits – жизнерадостность).

Many American ladies on leaving their native land adopt an appearance of chronic ill-health, under the impression that it is a form of European refinement, but Mrs. Otis had never fallen into this error. She had a magnificent constitution, and a really wonderful amount of animal spirits.
Indeed, in many respects (на самом деле, во многих отношениях), she was quite English (она была совершенной англичанкой), and was an excellent example of the fact (и была отличным примером того факта), that we have really everything in common with America nowadays (что у нас действительно все общее с Америкой в наши дни), except, of course, language (кроме, конечно, языка).
Indeed, in many respects, she was quite English, and was an excellent example of the fact that we have really everything in common with America nowadays, except, of course, language.
Miss Virginia E. Otis
Her eldest son (ее старший сын), christened Washington[3] by his parents in a moment of patriotism (названный своими родителями Вашингтоном в момент /проявления чувства/ патриотизма; to christen – совершать обряд крещения), which he never ceased to regret (о чем он никогда не переставал сожалеть), was a fair-haired, rather good-looking young man (был светловолосым, довольно-таки красивым юношей), who had qualified himself for American diplomacy (который готовился стать американским дипломатом: «готовил себя для американской дипломатии») by leading the German at the Newport[4] Casino for three successive seasons (танцуя в первой паре котильон в казино в Ньюпорте три сезона подряд; the German = the German cotillion; to lead – вести; руководить; casino – увеселительное заведение; игорный дом), and even in London was well known as an excellent dancer (и даже в Лондоне был хорошо известен как отличный танцор). Gardenias and the peerage were his only weaknesses (гардении и /интерес к/ аристократии были его единственными слабостями; peerage – сословие пэров; знать, аристократия). Otherwise he was extremely sensible (в остальных отношениях он был исключительно разумен).

“had once raced old Lord Bilton on her pony”
Her eldest son, christened Washington by his parents in a moment of patriotism, which he never ceased to regret, was a fair-haired, rather good-looking young man, who had qualified himself for American diplomacy by leading the German at the Newport Casino for three successive seasons, and even in London was well known as an excellent dancer. Gardenias and the peerage were his only weaknesses. Otherwise he was extremely sensible.
Miss Virginia E. Otis was a little girl of fifteen (мисс Вирджиния Отис была молодой девушкой пятнадцати лет), lithe and lovely as a fawn (привлекательной и грациозной как лань; fawn – молодой олень; lithe – грациозный) and with a fine freedom in her large blue eyes (и с чудесным /выражением чувства/ свободы в ее больших голубых глазах). She was a wonderful Amazon (она была прекрасной наездницей); and had once raced old Lord Bilton on her pony twice round the park (и однажды дважды проехала на своем пони по парку со старым лордом Билтоном; to race – состязаться в скачках), winning by a length and a half (обойдя его на полтора корпуса; to win – выигрывать; побеждать), just in front of the Achilles statue (прямо перед статуей Ахилла), to the huge delight of the young Duke of Cheshire (к огромному восхищению герцога Чеширского), who proposed for her on the spot (который тут же сделал ей предложение; on the spot – на месте; тотчас же) and was sent back to Eton[5] that very night by his guardians in floods of tears (и был отослан назад в Итон тем же вечером его опекунами, весь в слезах; to send – посылать).

Miss Virginia E. Otis was a little girl of fifteen, lithe and lovely as a fawn, and with a fine freedom in her large blue eyes. She was a wonderful Amazon, and had once raced old Lord Bilton on her pony twice round the park, winning by a length and a half, just in front of the Achilles statue, to the huge delight of the young Duke of Cheshire, who proposed for her on the spot, and was sent back to Eton that very night by his guardians, in floods of tears.