Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

Christina stopped near a duet of two plants – magnificent, my growth by a bush, and a high tree with dense kroner.

– Here, – she told, and pointed to trees.

– Well, for what you wait? – having made a haughty look I told. It was affected.

– You won’t help me? – sister became a little puzzled.

– I joked.

– Help me…

– And I, your way, here what for? I won’t admire a picture as you drag a corpse.

– Perfect, – Christina was delighted.

– But it for the first and for the last time.

From my words Christina became serious with the smile which stiffened on lips.

– OK, – Christina agreed.

Having moved apart bush branches, I literally became hollow in it, the benefit didn’t fall. The damned knot nearly brought down me from feet. I crushed a small, dry branch, and it turned into a small group of the small remains. To a nose sharply jumped up an unpleasant smell. And before eyes there was a dead body. Voila! Here and a corpse about which I only heard. Here he is, the friend about whom I with enthusiasm was told today. The man lay in a bloody pool, having stretched in the parties of a hand and foot. All clothes: brown trousers from the seventieth, a gray sweater and shabby as if not to holes black (from long service turned in gray) boots – all this was soiled by blood spots, especially top part of clothes. On a neck of the turned pale dead person two small openings gaped. And from them there was couple of thin, dark red paths down. Blood didn’t flow any more, all that could already left a body. The hair disheveled on the head partially were filled in with plasma. And only the bang rescued from this fate hardly covered widely open eyes of the dead man, with the horror which imprinted in them. The slightly opened mouth said that before death this type perhaps shouted.

I seized the dead person by a foot and extended from bushes. It was risky. I threw it to myself on a shoulder. The smell that I felt before, arrived with a new force. Now everything is clear. Smelled as not decaying flesh and not any decay. This type probably didn’t wash long ago.

The way to the car lay almost through all park. It was dangerous to bear him, especially on such open zone.

– I have an idea, – Christina exclaimed. – Follow me.

Christina picked out some stones from a brick path. The sister threw one of them in the next lamp. The glass lamp broke with a ringing roar. Splinters fell down on the earth. Light right there grew dim, having missed few times.

– Now you can pass quietly here and who won’t see, – the sister told and good-natured smiled.

– Cool! And I thought how to draw to myself attention?! – with sarcasm I spoke.

Christina kept silent and went further. The following lamp was expected the same fate. Again noise, the splinters falling with a ring to the ground, the fused light. Both so still, and still, so far we didn’t reach Lexus. Having passed four lamps broken by Christina, I could put a corpse in a luggage carrier quietly.

– So, so, so, – familiar, but others voice sounded behind the back.

– From where you undertook?! – Christina as though asked a question to air.

I didn’t understand to whom words of the sister were addressed, until I turned aside, the voice from where reached.

In front of my eyes I saw a young girl, whose appearance I recognized right there. It was Amelia. You ask who is she?! For me already nobody. Earlier we were close and the sister considered her as a friend. Now we already hate each other, our relations are hostile. It was my one and only novel in life which lasted not long, only three years, and it finally brought big pain.

When I met her for the first time, I was fascinated by beauty of this girl, fascinated by her. That feeling which was born in me that minute not to express in words. But now it already died away, irrevocably. Amelia subdued me, and I was ready to make for her anything. It isn’t interesting to you as we got acquainted? I will tell you this story in brief.

There was a night, me, weak and ailing literally crept on one of city streets. At a view of reflection of in show-windows of cafe and shops, I saw not that handsome man (forgive me for flattery), whom I was, and the freak with the turned blue skin as if sustained in the freezer. And a joy to my vampirism was years four, only. I don’t understand how I could bring myself to exhaustion, and it was let in searches of food, without having told Christina anything. She could help me, could accompany, but then I solved that I will consult myself. I was mistaken. I sat on a bench blindly, and wasn’t near any mortal. If though one creature got, without deliberating I would kill it, together with witnesses. But I was one on the street, even cars didn’t pass.

I closed eyes, almost fell asleep. Suddenly, on a shoulder someone’s hand laid down, the nose felt pleasant aroma of a perfume for women, eyelids involuntarily rose, and tired eyes I made out a face of the beautiful girl through muddy medley. The first, on what I paid attention, to eyes, light-blue, looking kindly, with a smile on me. I easy smiled in reply.

– Are you okay? – the question from her lips sounded.

I didn’t answer. She looked on the parties, sat down nearby. My eyes were again closed, I remember, lips were adjoined by something warm, smooth, pleasant… I remember a blood smell as it small drops got to me to a mouth. I regained consciousness, seized hands as it appeared in her brittle wrist and under euphoria began to extend blood from the girl’s hand. I couldn’t and didn’t want to stop. My rescuer squeaked from pain, but I as if didn’t hear. I was surprised when she pushed away me from herself with a force unusual for the lady, pulled out a hand and wound with the scarf. I tested double happiness that minute, she rescued me from hunger and when I looked at it new eyes, it seemed even that I love her, very much. With affection and a tender smile admiring her I heard some strange words.

– And for what you are surprised, Amelie, so occurs always, – the girl spoke, diligent correcting a scarf on a wrist.

“Having already sobered up” I noticed that she speaks with an Ukrainian accent. The young woman pulled off a scarf from a hand, curtailed into a ball and threw in a ballot box near a bench. On a place of a sting of a wound it didn’t appear, the girl pinched the remains of blood and winked at me.

– What is your name? – she asked.

– And yours? – touching my face, I asked a question.

– I asked first, – she playfully objected. – Me Amelia.

– Nikolay, simply Kolya, – I friendly stretched a hand, and the new acquaintance with pleasure reaped it.

– And now go from here somewhere quickly, – looking around, she told, seized me by a hand and pulled along.

She was madly pleasant to me, I didn’t resist her initiatives. I will tell only that after that acquaintances between us the love story occured, rapid, but fascinating. Sooner or later to all remarkable comes to an end, and it is more often sad, as at me. Amelia betrayed me, betrayed, is softly told, all truth was worse than blow an axe on the head. Having used my weakness when I didn’t suck week blood, three vampires of Artur Martimer rushed into my room and dragged out through a balcony on the street. Shipped in “Hamer” and took away in the Lord’s manor. Brought into the main hall where in the center the most important vampire about whom I speak you understood, sat on “chair throne”. Near him stood, having obediently hung the head and having connected hands behind the back, Amelia. She looked at me and right there looked away. I puzzly looked around that on the beloved, that, being surprised to the events. It appeared that Amelia reported all these three years on me on Martimer, on all my “feats”, take-off and falling. Inside something flared and during an instant went out as if the flood flooded peace settlements, and all inhabitants were lost. For nobility and compassion the Lord gave me blood. Without desire and enthusiasm I devastated a decanter which in a face to me was pushed by one of vampires culturists.
