{437} Francis D. Russia from the American Embassy NY , 1921, p. 201.
{438} Francis D. Russia from the American Embassy NY 1921, p. 203.
{439} Francis D. Russia from the American Embassy NY 1921, p. 210.
{440} МОВЭИ, т. Х, стр. 259.
{441} Палеолог М. Цит пр., с. 121.
{442} Палеолог М. Цит пр., с. 140.
{443} Zeman Z. (ed ) Germany and Revolution in Russia 1915-1918. Documents from the Archives of the German Foreign Ministry. L , 1958, p. 92.
{444} Stone N. The Eastern Front 1914-1917. London, 1998, p. 227.
{445} Палеолог М. Цит. Пр., с 142.
{446} Buchanan G. My Mission to Russia and Other Diplomatic Memories. Boston, 1923, vol II, p. 19.
{447} Лемке Н. 250 дней в ставке. Петроград, 1920 с. 348.
{448} Gilbert M. The First World War. NY, 1994, p. 238
{449} Stone N. The Eastern Front 1914-1917. London, 1998 p. 245.
{450} Зайончковский А. М. Стратегический очерк войны. Том 6. Москва, 1922, с 20-22.
{451} Stone N. The Eastern Front 1914-1917. London 1998, p. 235.
{452} Ветошников Л В Брусиловский прорыв Оперативно-стратегический очерк. М , 1940, с. 56.
{453} Stone N. The Eastern Front London, 1975, p. 235.
{454} Stone N. The Eastern Front London, 1975, p. 247.
{455} Stone N. The Eastern Front London, 1975, p. 251.
{456} Asprey R. The German High Command at War London, 1991, p. 67.
{457} Letters of the Tsar to the Tsarina, p. 191-193.
{458} Paleologue M. La Russie des tsars, tom II, p. 284.
{459} Stone N. The Eastern Front. London, 1998, p. 243.
{460} Stone N. The Eastern Front. London, 1998, p. 273.
{461} См Виноградов В. Н. Румыния в годы первой мировой войны. Москва, 1969.
{462} Stone N. The Eastern Front. London, 1975, p. 264.
{463} Stone N. The Eastern Front. London, 1975, p. 265.
{464} Lincoln В. Passage through Armageddon. The Russians in War and Revolution 1914-1918. NY, 1986, p. 251.
{465} Churchill W. The Unknown War. The Eastern Front. NY, 1931, p. 368.
{466} Stone N. The Eastern Front. London, 1975, p. 268.
{467} Stone N. The Eastern Front. London, 1975, p. 269.
{468} Stone N. The Eastern Front. London 1998 p. 278.
{469} Виноградов В. Н. Румыния в годы первой мировой войны. Москва, 1969, с. 229.
{470} Gerard J. My Four Years in Germany. London, 1917 p. 293.
{471} Halpern P. A Naval History of World War I. Annapolis, 1994, p. 315.
{472} Marder A. From the Dreadnought to Scapa Flow. Vol. II, Oxford, 1965, p. 445.
{473} Keegan J. The First World War. New York, 1998, p. 274.
{474} Asprey R. The German High Command at War. London, 1991, p. 207-208.
{475} Buchanan G. My Mission to Russia and Other Diplomatic Memories. Boston, 1923, vol. II, p. 19.
{476} Fischer F. Op. cit. p. 244.
{477} Knesebeck G. von dem. Die Wahrheit uber den Propagandafeldzug und Deutschlands Zuzammenbruch. Munich, 1927, S. 158.
{478} Keegan J. The First World War. New York, 1998, p. 299.
{479} Gibbs Ph. Realities of War. London, 1920, p. 47.
{480} Hanbury-Williams, Sir John. Emperor Nicholas as I knew him. London, 1922, p. 397.
{481} Francis D. Russia from the American Embassy. N.Y., 1921, p. 28.
{482} Francis D. Russia from the American Embassy. N.Y., 1921, p. 24.
{483} Francis D. Russia from the American Embassy. N.Y., 1921, p. 31.
{484} Francis D. Russia from the American Embassy. N.Y., 1921, p. 32.
{485} Buchanan G. My Mission to Russia and Other Diplomatic Memories. Boston, 1923, vol. II, p. 23.
{486} Churchill W. The Unknown War. The Eastern Front. N.Y., 1931, p. 369.
{487} Knox A. With the Russian Army 1914-1917. V.2, London, 1920, p. 114.
{488} Buchanan G. My Mission to Russia and Other Diplomatic Memories. Boston, 1923, vol. II, p. 25.
{489} Бьюкенен Дж. Мемуары дипломата, с. 159.
{490} Палеолог М. Воспоминания посла. М., 1992, с.202.
{491} Buchanan G. My Mission to Russia and Other Diplomatic Memories. Boston, 1923, vol. II, p. 27.
{492} Палеолог М. Воспоминания посла. М., 1992, с.246.
{493} Buchanan G. My Mission to Russia and Other Diplomatic Memories. Boston. 1923, vol. II, p. 28.
{494} Russian Public Finances during the War. New Haven, 1928, p. 215-220.
{495} Russian Public Finances during the War. New Haven, 1928, p. 322-326.
{496} Florinsky М. Т. The End of the Russian Empire. New Haven, p. 1931. p. 49.
{497} Paleologue M. La Russie des tsars, tom III, p. 24.
{498} Палеолог М. Воспоминания посла. М., 1992, с.210.
{499} Палеолог М. Воспоминания посла. М., 1992, с.132-133.
{500} Buchanan G. My Mission to Russia and Other Diplomatic Memories. Boston, 1923, vol. II, p. 31.
{501} Buchanan G. My Mission to Russia and Other Diplomatic Memories. Boston, 1923, vol. II, p. 31.
{502} Buchanan G. My Mission to Russia and Other Diplomatic Memories. Boston, 1923, vol. II, p. 34.
{503} Buchanan G. My Mission to Russia and Other Diplomatic Memories. Boston, 1923, vol. II, p. 46.
{504} Buchanan G. My Mission to Russia and Other Diplomatic Memories. Boston, 1923, vol. II, p. 49.
{505} Палеолог М. Воспоминания посла. М., 1992, с.307.
{506} Lincoln В. Passage through Armageddon. The Russians in War and Revolution 1914-1918. N.Y., 1986, p. 309.
{507} Alexander, Grand Duke of Russia. Once a Grand Duke. N.-Y., 1932, p. 283-284.
{508} Gilbert M. The First World War. N.-Y., 1994, p. 295.
{509} Gilbert M. The First World War. N.-Y., 1994, p. 303.
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{512} Hasegawa T. The February Revolution: Petrograd, 1917, Seattle, 1981, p. 183.
{513} Stone N. The Eastern Front. London, 1998, p. 282.
{514} Gilbert M. The First World War. Lоndon, 1994, p. 306.
{515} Gooch G. Recent Revelations of European Diplomacy. London, 1928, p. 16-17.
{516} Gilbert M. The First World War. Lindon, 1994, p. 306.
{517} Gilbert M. The First World War. Lindon, 1994, p. 308.
{518} Hoffmann M. War Diaries and other papers. Vol.2, London, 1929, p. 203
{519} Wynne G. If Germany Attacks. London, 1940, p. 180.
{520} McKee A. Vimy Ridge. London, 1966, p. 102.
{521} Keegan J. The First World War. N.Y., 1998, p. 325.
{522} McKee A. Vimy Ridge. London, 1966, p. 116.
{523} Spears E. Prelude to Victory. London, 1939, p. 41.
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{525} Spears E. Prelude to Victory. London, 1939, p. 493.
{526} Becker J.-J. The Great War and the French People. Leamington Spa, 1985, p. 219.
{527} Smith L. Between Mutiny and Obedience.Princeton, 1994, p. 197.
{528} Keegan J. The First World War. N.Y., 1998, p. 322.
{529} Knox A. With the Russian Army 1914-1917. Vol.2. London, 1921, p. 174
{530} Lincoln B. Passage Through Armageddon. The Russians in War and Revolution 1914-1918. N.-Y., 1986, p. 320.
{531} Buchanan G. My Mission in Russia and other Diplomatic Memoirs . London, 1923, Vol. 2, p. 42.
{532} Buchanan G. My Mission in Russia and other Diplomatic Memoirs . London, 1923, Vol. 2, p. 46.
{533} Ibid., p. 47.
{534} Палеолог М. Царская Россия накануне революции. М., 1923, с.320.
{535} Палеолог М. Царская Россия накануне революции. М., 1923, с.325-326.
{536} Палеолог М. Царская Россия накануне революции. М., 1923, с.330.
{537} Buchanan G. Op. cit., Vol. II, p. 55.
{538} Buchanan G. Op. cit., p. Vol. II, p. 59.
{539} Buchanan G. Op. cit., p. Vol. II, p. 61.
{540} Letters of the Tsar to the Tsarina, p. 315.
{541} Мартынов Е.И. Царская армия в февральском перевороте. Ленинград, 1927, с. 74.