Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

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according to expectations 103

Achilles's tendon 64

Adam's apple 105, 178

again and again 124

ague cake 105, 189

a little bird told me 139

alive and kicking 124

all and sundry 66

all is not gold that glitters 144

all my eye and Betty Martin 86, 123

all the go 172

all the world and his wife 123

angel's visit 66

Anthony's fire 106

ape's paternoster 78

apple of discord 178

apple of (smb's) eye, the 165

arrow head 105

artesian well 108

as a matter of fact 104

as an ox goes to the slaughter 136

as anything 146

as bad luck would have it 139

as far as (smb, smth) is concerned 104

as far as that goes 139

as good as 130

as luck would have it 139

as the crow flies 136, 172, 178

as the echo answers the voice 136

as though 130

a stitch in time saves nine 144

at a loss 150

at arm's length 154

at (on) a stretch 130

at bottom 127

at cross purposes 150

at dawn 127

at ease 128

at hand 127

at (by) haphazard 130

at (in) heart 130

at home 127

at intervals 127

at its worst (best etc) 120

at last 129, 130

at least 129

at liberty 127

at night 127

at once 128

atomic energy 105

at rest 127

at the eleventh hour 172

at the first blush 74, 95, 109

at will 127

back of the head 104, 191

bachelor's wife 66

bag and baggage 187, 188

bank holiday 60, 187

baptism of fire 78

barrister-at-law 168

be about, to 151, 152

be a goose, to 151

bearded wheat 62

bear down, to 135

bear out, to 134

bear the gree, to 108

bear up for, to 135

beat a retreat, to 165

beau ideal, the 154

beef tea 60, 172, 173

beer and skittles 122

before (one) can say Jack

Robinson 136, 137

before now 128


beggar description, to 60

beg pardon 107

behind (beyond, within) the veil 130

behind the" scenes 127

be it, to 151

believe that the moon is made

of green cheese, to 136

bell, book and candle 123

Bell's palsy 66

below (beneath, under) the mark 130

be (dead) nuts (on smth), to 151

be of age, to 151

be (get) on (one's) feet, to 88

be on the safe side, to 151

be over, to 151

best man 155, 171

be the first (last) (to do smth), to 152

be the limit, to 151

be tired (surprised), to 152, 153

bid beads, to 95

birds of a feather flock together 144

bissextile year 108, 109

bite the hand that feeds (one), to 172

bit of fluff (muslin, stuff) 100

black frost 60, 65, 107

black Maria 177

black sheep 172, 173

blank verse 60, 65

bless (one's) soul 142

blind headache 105, 189

blue butter 105

blue devils 179

blue funk 60

bold as brass, as 88, 146

bone of contention 126, 187, 188

bony process 105

book of reference 104

bosom friend 60

bread-and-cheese marriage 149

break in, to 135

break the matter (news), to 70

breathe in, to 131

breathe (one's) last, to 100, 101

bring (drive, strike) home (to smb),
