Women’s Lib. no Peril to Women’s Mags // International Herald Tribune, 1978, 17.II.
Women’s Magazines Lose Pep // Business Week, 1982, 30.VIII.
Преступность, голод, порнография…
Alter J. Homeless in America // Newsweek, 1984, 2.I.
Barrett K. Old before Her Time // Ladies’ Home Journal.
Америка безработных, бездомных и голодающих, нужды которых администрация США полностью игнорирует // За рубежом, 1986, № 23.
Бездомные леди Нью-Йорка // Литературная газета, 1982, 1 сент.
Голод — самая распространенная и коварная проблема в США // За рубежом, 1983, № 52.
Женщины «против» и «за»… женщин
Enos С., Enos S. Portrait of the American Woman Today // Ladies’ Home Journal, 1984, January.
Farley J. Women’s Magazines and the Equal Rights Amendment: Friend or Foe? // Journal of Communication, 1978, Winter.
Marsis E. Sisterhood under Siege // Progressive, 1985, January.
Menninger B. Traditional Marriages: The Forgotten Benefits of Being the Woman behind the Man // Ladies’ Home Journal, 1982, VII.
1986 Women’s Views Study: How Far Have Women Gone in 1980’s // Glamour, 1986, January.
Rubin N. The New Cold War between Housewives and Working Mothers // Ladies’ Home Journal, 1982, IV.
Women vs. Women: Report from the Frontlines // Ladies’ Home Journal, 1982.
Идолы и поклонницы
America’s Most Sensational Bodies // Harper’s Bazaar, 1986, V.
Baker R. The Burdens of Stardom // The New York Times Magazine, 1982, 25.VII.
Cohnen Sh. The Million — dollar Models: Their Terrific Beauty Secrets, Their Incredible Private Lives // Ladies’ Home Journal, 1982, VIII.
Celebs Tell Their Biggest Fashion Boosts and Bummers // Glamour, 1984, I.
Corliss R. Sex Stars of the 70s // Film Comment, 1979, VII.
Harris M. The High Cost of Making It in Hollywood // Money, 1984, V.
Heymann C. The Very Private Life of Jacqueline Kennedy // Cosmopolitan, 1986, VI.
In / Out / Hot / Not /. Celebrities on Celebrity // Vogue, 1986, V.
Kehr D. A star Is Made // Film Comment, 1979, I.
Krupp C. When the Love Affair between Movie Co-stars Becomes Real // Glamour, 1984, VIII.
Soria S. You Want to Be an Actress? Get Your Act together Now // Teen, 1984, XI.
Unguarded Moments: Paparazzi’s View from the Shadows // Life, 1984, I.
Women and the News. N. Y., 1978.
Таланты и разбойники // За рубежом, 1982, № 25.
Кого любят «звезды»?
Barrett К., Santini R. The Tragedy of Rita Hayworth // Ladies’ Home Journal, 1983, I.
Boyes M. While Liz Taylor Mourns Burton, She and Victor Luna Lament the End of a Romance // People Weekly, 1984, 17.IX.
Caughey J. Fantazy Friends Fill a Gap in People’s Lives // U. S. News and World Report, 1984, 16.VII.
Christmas with Your Favorites // Ladies’ Home Journal, 1984, XII.
Dunne D. Elizabeth Taylor’s Greatest Acting Role — as Elizabeth Taylor // Cosmopolitan, 1986, IV.
Fox R. Loving Liz // Ladies’ Home Journal, 1983, V.
Jane Fonda // People Weekly, 1984, 5.III.
Женщины и политики
Avery P. When Candidates’ Wives Take to the Stump // U. S. News and World Report, 1984, 15.X.
Cifelli A. Show-down for Reagan at Gender Gap // Fortune, 1984, 9.VII.
Ferraro G. Why I Believe That Women Must Exercise Their Political Clout // Glamour, 1984, XI.
Fiore M. Ronald Reagan’s Boyhood Home // Good Housekeeping, 1984, VIII.
Johnson K. In Washington a Famous Name Means a Lot // U. S. News and World Report, 1984, 26.XI.
Learner L. The First Couple // Ladies’ Home Journal, 1983, IV.
Nancy Reagan Salutes American Fashion // Harper’s Bazaar, 1984, XII.
A Natural Touch to White House Christmas // U. S. News and World Report, 1984, 24.XII.
New Star Wars: Celebrity Politics Becomes Part of the Game // People Weekly, 1980, 31.III.
Reagan as Grandfather // Newsweek, 1984, 8.X.
White House Family Feuds Nothing New // U. S. News and World Report, 1984, 10.XII.