Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

82 http://books,guardian.co.uk/reviews/biography/0,6121,1468768,00.html

Глава пятая - Раскрытие заговора

83 All We Did Was Fly to the Moon. p. 41.

84 Wallis Budge, E. A. Osiris and the Egyptian Resurrection, 1911.

85 Bauval and Gilbert. The Orion Mystery, 1994.

86 Temple, Robert K. G. The Sirius Mystery, 1976.

87 Bauval and Hancock. The Keeper of Genesis, 1996.

88 All We Did Was Fly to the Moon. p. 77.

89 Men From Earth, p. 248.

90 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Osiris

91 Czarnik, Marvin. «The 'Where' and 'When' of Each Apollo Landing was Carefully Planned.»

92 http://www.bu. edu/remotesensing/Faculty/El-Baz/FEBbio.html

93 Knight, Christopher and Robert Lomas. The Hiram Key.

94 «The New Age,» Scottish Rite Journal, Volume LXXVI1. Number 12.

95 http://www.tranquilitylodge2000.org/

96 Hunt, Linda. Secret Agenda.

97 http://www.majesticdocuments.com/personnel/vonkarman.php

98 http://www.enterprisemission.com/spaceact.htmI

99 http://www.spacepolitics.com/2006/08/23/griffin-fires-back-at-advisors

100 http://history.nasa.gov/SP-4209/chl-4.htm

101 «CNN Breaking News,» live broadcast, July 4,1997.

102 http://www.enterprisemission.com/plariet.htm

103 Bauval and Gilbert. The Orion Mystery, 1994.

104 Graham Hancock, The Mars Mystery, p. 50,

Глава шестая - Новые изображения Сидонии с «Марс Глобал Сервейор»

105 http://www.anomalies.net/archive/cni-news/CNI.0843.html
