Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

Osborne (Francis), Some Traditional Memoirs of the rign of King James ed. W. Scott, Secret History of the Court of James I, Edinbourg, 1811.

Peyton (Edward), The Divine catastrophe of the Royal House of Stuart, ed. W. Scott, Secret History of the Court of James I, Edinbouig, 1811.

Richelieu (Armand, cardinal de), Мemoires, 10 ed. 1907-1926 (collection de la sос1e1e de I’Histoire de France).

Richelieu (Armand, cardinal de), Lettres, instructions diplomatiques et papiers d’fitat, ed. D.D. Avenel, 8 vol., 1853-1877.

Sanderson (William), A complete History of the Life and Reign of King Charles I…, 1658.

Tillieres (Tanneguy Leveneur, comte de), Memoires inedits sur la Cour de Charles Ier et son marriage avec Henriette de France, 1862.

Tom Tell-Truth, ed. W. Scott, Somers Tracts, II, 1810.

Weldon (Antony), The Court and Character of King James I, ed. W. Scott, Secret History of the Court of James I, Edinbourg, 1811.

Whitelocke (James), Liber Famelicus, ed. J. Bruce, 1858.

Wilson (Arthur), The Life and Reign of James I, in Kennet (W)., Complete History of England, II, 1706.

Wotton (Henry), Reliquiae Wottonianae, 1651 (в книгу входят: The Life and Death of George Villiers, Duke of Buckingham и Some Observations by way of parallel between Robert Devereux, Earl of Essex, and Geiige Villiers, Duke of Buckongham).

Раздел IV Общие работы по периоду 1603-1628 годов

Cottret (Bernard), Histoire d’Angleterre, XVIIe-XVIIIe sifccles, 1996 (collection Nouvelle Clio).

Davies (Godfrey), The Early Stuarts, 1603-1660, 1936 (Oxford History of England).

Davies (Godfrey) and Keeler (Mary), Bibliography of British History, Stuart Period, 1603-1714, Oxford, 1970.

Fritze (R.H.) and Robinson (W.B.) ed. Historical Dictionary of Stuart England, 1603-1689, 1996.

Gardiner (Samuel Rowson), History of England from the accession of James I to the outbreak of the Civil War, 1603-1642, 10 vol., 1883-1884.

Lockyer (Roger), The Early Stuarts: a political History of England, 1603-1644, 1949.

Раздел V Биографии Бекингема и его современников

5.1 Современные биографии Бекингема.

Cammell (C.R.), The Great Duke of Buckingham, 1939.

Erlanger (Philippe), L’finigme du monde, Geoige Villiers, due de Buckingham, 1951.

Gibb (M.A.), Buckingham, 1592-1628, 1935; фр. пер. 1936.

Gibbs (Philip), Romance of George Villiers and some Men and Women of the Stuart Court, 1908.

Lockyer (Roger), Buckingham: The Life and Political Carreer of George Villiers, 1981.

Thomson (Katherine), Life and Time of George Villiers, Duke of Buckingham, 3 vol., 1860.

Williamson (W.R.), George Villiers, first Duke of Buckingham, 1940.

5.2 Биографии современников Бекингема.

Dictionary of National Biography, 63 vol., 1885-1900.

Анна Австрийская: Dulong (Claude), Anne d’Autriche, meге de Louis XIV, 1980; Kleiman (Ruth), Ann of Austria, Queen of France, Columbus, Ohio, 1985; фр. пер.: Anne d’Autriche, 1993.

Бэкон (Фрэнсис), канцлер Англии: Spedding (James), Letters and Life of Sir Francis Bacon 7 vol., 1857-1874.

Генриетта Мария Французская (королева Франции): Dupuy (Micheline), Henriette de France, reine d’Angleterre, 1994.

Елизавета Стюарт (королева Чехии): Everette Green (Mary Ann), Elizabeth, Electress Palatine and Queen of Bohemia, 1909.

Карл I: Carlton (Charles), Charles 1, the personal Monarch, 1983; Duchein (Michel), Charles Ier, 1 honneur et la fldelite, 2000; Gregg (Pauline), Charles I, 1981; фр. пер.: Charles Ier, 1984.

Коттингтон (Фрэнсис): Havran (Martin J.), Caroline Courtier: the Life of Lord Cottington, 1975.

Крэнфилд (Лайонел, граф Миддлсекс): Prestwich (Menna), Cranfield, Politics and Profit under the Early Stuarts, Oxford, 1968; Tawney (R.H.), Business and Politics under James I: Lionel Cranfield, 1958.

Лод (Уильям), архиепископ Кентерберийский: Trevor-Roper (H.R.), Archbishop Laud, 1962.

Людовик XIII: Chevallier (Pierre), Louis XII, roi cornelien, 1979.

Ноттингем (Чарльз Говард), граф: Kenny (Robert W.), Elizabeth’s Admiral: The Political Career of Charles Howard, Earl of Nottingham, Baltimore, 1970.

Оливарес: The Count-Duke of Olivares, New York, 1986; фр. пер.: Olivares, L’Esnagne de Philippe IV, 1992.

Портер (Эндимион): Huxley (G.), Endymion Porter, the Life of a Courtier, 1959.

Ришелье: Bergin (J.) and Brockliss (L.), Richelieu and his Age, Oxford, 1992; Carmona (Michel), Richelieu, l’ambition et le pouvoir, 1983; Hanotaux (Gabriel), Histoire du Cardinal de Richelieu, 6 vol., 1893-1947.

Роган (Анри), герцог де: Deyon (Pierre et Solange), Henri de Rohan, huguenot de plume et d’epee, 2000.

Эббот (Джордж), архиепископ Кентерберийский: Welsby (Р.А.), George Abbot, the unwanted Archbishop, 1962.

Элиот (Джон): Forster (John), Sir John Eliot, a biography, 2 vol., 1864; Hulme (Harold), The Life of Sir John Eliot, Struggle for Parliamentary Freedom, 1981.

Яков I: Bingham (Caroline), James I of England, 1981; Duchein (Michel), Jacques Ier Stuart, le roix de la paix, 1985; Lee (Maurice), Great Britain’s Solomon, University of Illinois, 1990; Lockyer (Roger), James VI and I, 1998; Mathew (David), James I, University of Alabama, 1968; Me Elwee (W.), The Wisest Fool in Christendom, 1958; Williams (Charles), James I, 1984; Willson (David Harris), King James VI and I, 1959.

Раздел VI Отдельные исследования, касающиеся периода 1603-1628 годов

Aiken (Willaim A.) and Henning (B.D.), ed. Conflict in Stuart England, 1966.

Allen (J.W.), English Political Thought, 1603-1660, 2 vol., 1938.

Andrews (Kenneth R.), Ships, Money and Politics: seafaring and naval enterprise in the Reign of Charles I, Cambridge, 1991.

Ascoli (George), La Grande-Bretagne devant l’opinion frangaise au XVIIе siecle, 2 vol., 1930.

Ashley (Maurice P.), England in the 17th century, 1978.

Ashton (Robert), The City and the Court, 1605-1643, 1979.

Aylmer (G.E.), “Buckingham as an administrative reformer?”, English Historical Review, april, 1990.

Cogswell (Thomas), The Blessed Revolution: English Politics and the Coming of War, 1621-1624, Cambridge, 1989.

Cottret (Bernard), “Diplomatic et ethique de I’Etat: l’ambassade d’Effiat en Angleterre et le manage de Charles Ier et d’Henriette-Marie de France”, in H. Mechoulan, L’Etat baroque: regards sur la pensee politique de la France du premier XVIIе siecle, 1985.

Cust (R.), The forced loan and English Politics, 1626-1628, 1987.

Cust (R.) and Hughes (A.), ed. Conflict in Early Stuart England: Studies in Religion and Politics, 1603-1642, 1989.

Dietz (E.C.), English Public Finance, 1558-1641, II, 1964.

Elliot (John H.) and Brockliss (L.W.B.), The World of the Favourite, Yale, 1998.

Firth (C.H.) and Lomas (S.C.), Notes on the Diplomatic Relations of England and France, 1603-1688, 1906.

Firth (C.H.), The House of Lords during the Civil War, 1910 (включает также материалы по времени царствования Якова I и началу царствования Карла I).

Foster (Elizabeth R.), The House of Lords, 1603-1649, Chapel Hill, 1983.

Gardiner (Samuel Rawson), Prince Charles and the Spanish Marriage, 1869.

Gardiner (S.R.), The Thirty Year War, 1618-1648, 1871.

Guizot (Francois), Un projet de mariage royal: Charles Ier et Henriette de France, 1863.

Hirst (Derek), The Representatives of the People? Voters and voting in England under the Early Stuarts, Cambridge, 1975.
