Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

Дополнительная библиография [444]


A.S.Kohanski. The Greek Mode of Thought in Western Philosophy. Madison Fairleigh Dickinson Un. Press, 1984.

S.Rosen. The Quarrel between Philosophy and Poetry. Studies in Ancient Thought. New York – London, 1988.


B.Meyer. Harmonia. Freiburg, 1932. Diss.

B.van de Waerden. Harmonie-Lehre der Pythagoreer. – Hermes, 1943, 78.

Z.Spitzer. Classical and Christian Ideas of World Harmony. – In: Prolegomena to an interpretation of the word "Stimmung". – "Traditio", ed. Y.Quaster, S.Kuttner., vol. 2. New York, 1944.

H.Koller. Harmonie und Tetraktys. – Museum Helveticum, 1959, 16, S. 238 – 248.

H.Schavernoch. Die Harmonie der Sprähen. Die Geschichte der Idee des Welteneinklangs und der Seelenstimmung. Freiburg, 1981.

Greek Musical Writings, ed. by A.Barker. Cambridge, 1984 – 1990 vol. I – II.


Doubt and Dogmatism. Studies in Hellenistic Epistemology. Ed. by M.Schofield. Oxford, 1989.

N.Denyer. Language, Thought and Falsehood in Ancient Greek Philosophy. Cambridge, 1990.


E.C.Welskopf. Der Eine und die Vielen. – Studi di storia antica offerti dagli allievi a E.Manni. Roma, 1976, p. 2209 – 2216.


A.Nicev. La catharsis tragique d’Aristote. Sophia, 1982,


H.Sasse. Kosmein, kosmos, kosmios, kosmicos. – Theologisches Wörterbuch zum Neuen Testament, hrsg. von G.Kirtel. 1938, 3, 867 – 869.

H.Diller. Der vorphilosophische Gebrauch von Kosmos und kosmein. – Festschrift B.Snell. München, 1956, S. 47 – 60.

P.Seligman. Soul and cosmos in Presocratic. Philosophy. – Dionysius, 1978, 2, p. 5 – 17.

J.A.López-Férez. Sobre kosmos-mikrokosmos, especialmente en Democrito. – Studia philologica Salmanticensia, 1984, 7 – 8, p. 247 – 257.


W.Kelber. Die I ogoslehre. Von Heraklit bis Origenes. Stuttgart, 1976.


P.H.Michel. De Pythagore à Euclide. Paris, 1950.

G.Boehme. Zeit und Zahl. Studien zur Zeittheorie bei Platon, Aristoteles, Leibnitz. Frankfurt am Main, 1974.

H.Gericke. Mathematik in Antike und Orient. Berlin, 1984.

D.J.O’Meara. Pythagoras Revived. Mathematics and Philosophy in Late Antiquity. Oxford; 1989.


F.Weltsch. Das Wagnis der Mitte. Stuttgart, 1937.


E.Auerbach. Mimesis. Bern, 1952 (русск. пер. М., 1976).

P.Moraux. La mimesis dans les théories anciennes de la danse, de la musique et de la poésie. – Études classiques. Namur, 1955, p. 3 – 13.

M.R.Ruegg. Mimetology. Philosophy and/or Literature in the Platonic and Aristotelian texts. New Haven, 1976. Diss.

Mimesis. From mirror to method, Augustine to Descartes. Ed. by J.A.Lyons, S.Nichols. London, 1982.


L.Müller. Wort und Begriff "mythos" im klassischen Griechisch. Hamburg, 1953. Diss.


D.Holwerda. Commentatio de voces quae estFUSISvi atque usu praesertim in Graecitate Aristotele anteriore. Groningen, 1955.

A.Pellicer. Nature. Etude sémantique et historique du mot latin. Paris, 1966.

W.Stegmaier. Substanz. Grundbegriff der Metaphysik. Stuttgart, 1977.

A.Capizzi. Oysia – physis, eimi – phyo, sum – fui. I due concetti di essere del pensiero antico. – Discorsi, 1983, 3, p. 7 – 22.


Beiträge zu Symbol, Symbolbegriff und Symbolforschung, hrsg. von M.Lurker. Baden-Baden, 1982, Bd. 1.


R.Alpers-Goelz. Der Begriff Skopos in der Stoa und seine Vorgeschichte. Hildesheim, 1976.

О.Левинская. История и семантика термина telos в языке древнегреческой философии. М., 1987. Автореф. канд. дисс.


H.Thesleff. Studies in Platonic Chronology. Helsinki, 1982.

W.J.Prior. Unity and Development in Plato’s Metaphysics. London, 1985.

Der Platonismus in der Antike. Hrsg. van H.Dörrie. Stuttgart, 1987. Bd. 1.

C.J.De Vogel. Rethinking Plato and Platonism. Leiden, 1988.

Platonic Writings. Platonic Readings. Ed by Ch.Griswold. New York – London, 1988.


N.Sherman. The Fabric of Character. Aristotle’s Theory of Virtue. Oxford, 1989.

A.W.Price. Love and Friendship in Plato and Aristotle. Oxford, 1989.


M.L.Colish. The Stoic Tradition from Antiquity to the Early Middle Ages. Leiden, 1985, vol. I – II.

The Hellenistic Philosophers, ed. by A.A.Long and D.N.Sedley. Cambridge, 1987 – 1989, vol. I – II.

H.W.Parke. Sibyls and Sibylline Prophecy in Classical Antiquity. London, 1988.


Platonismus und Christentum. Festschrift für H.Dörrie. Münster, 1983.

H.Chadwick. Early Christian Thought and the Classical Tradition. Oxford, 1984.


Posidonius. Die Fragmente. Bd. I. Texte. Bd. II. Erläuterungen. Hrsg. von W.Theiler. Berlin – New York, 1982.

D.T.Runia. Philo of Alexandria and the Timaeus of Plato. Leiden; 1986.


The Structure of Being. A Neoplatonic Approach. Ed. by R.B.Harris. New York, 1982.

A.C.Lloyd. The Anatomy of Neoplatonism. Oxford, 1989.


Plotinus. Enneades. Vol. III, ed. P.Henry and H.-R.Schwyzer. Oxford, 1982.

Plotinus. Enneades, ed A.H.Armstrong. Vol. IV – VII. London, 1984 – 1988.

J.C.Fraisse. La simplicité du Beau selon Plotin. – Cahiers du Centre George-Radet. Talence, Un. de Bordeaux III. 1980 – 1981, I, p. 60 – 80.

P.Boot. Plotinus’ On Providence (Ennead III 2 – 3). Three interpretations. – Mnemosyne, 1983, 26, p. 311 – 315.

M.Lassègue. Note sur la signification de la notion d’image chez Plotin. – Revue de l’Enseignement philosophique, 1983, 33, N 6, p. 4 – 12.

Plotinus amid Gnostics and Christians. Papers presented at the Plotinus Symposium hold at Free University, Amsterdam, on 25 January 1984. Ed. by D.T.Runia. Amsterdam, 1984.

J.Boulad Ayoub. L’image du centre et la notion de l’Un dans les Ennéades. – Philosophiques, 1984, XI, p. 41 – 70.

R.Cels. Beauté intérieure et théophanie. Méditation plotinienne. – Hommage à D.Coppieters de Gibson. Bruxelles, 1984, p. 103 – 123.

E.K.Emilsson. Plotinus on sense perception. A philosophical and historical study. Princeton, 1984. Diss.

G.Gurtler. Sympathy in Plotinus. – International philosophical Quarterly, 1984, 24, p. 395 – 406.

F.Hager. La société comme intermédiaire entre l’homme individuel et l’absolute chez Plotin. – Diotima, 1984, 12, p. 131 – 138.

M.Issandri Parente. Introduzione a Plotino. Roma – Bari, 1984.

J.Lounibos. Plotinus. Pagan, Mystic, Philosopher. Pagan and Christian anxiety. A responce to E.R.Dodds. Lanham, 1984, p. 131 – 166.

D.P.Taormina. Filosofia e magia in Plotino. – Momenti e problemi di storia del platonismo. Catania Un., 1984, p. 53 – 83.

P.Aubenque. Plotin et Dexippe, exégètes des Catégories d’Aristote. – Mélanges offerts à M.de Corte. Bruxelles – Liège, 1985, p. 7 – 40.

U.Bonanate. Orme ed enigmi nella filosofia di Plotino. Milano, 1985.

J.C.Fraisse. L’intériorité sans retrait. Lectures de Plotin. Paris, 1985.

C.L.Hancock. Energia in the Enneads of Plotinus. A reaction to Plato and Aristotle. Loyola Un. of Chicago, 1985. Diss.

A.Saget. The limit of the self in Plotinus. – Antichton, 1985, XIX, p. 96 – 101.


A.Meredith. Allegory in Porphyry and Gregory of Nyssa. – Studia Patristica, 16. Oxford, 1975, p. 423 – –427.

L.Brisson, M.O.Goulet-Gase, R.Goulet, D.O’Brien. Porphyre, La vie de Plotin. I.Travaux préliminaires et index grec complet. Paris, 1982.

A.Preus. Biological theory in Porphyry’s De abstinentia. – Ancient Philosophy, 1983, 3, p. 149 – 159.

Porphyry. On the Cave of the Nymphs. Transl. with an introd. essay by R.Lamberton. New York, 1984.

B.Croke. The era of Porphyry’s anti-Christian polemic. – Journal of Religious History, 1984, 13, p. 1 – 14.
