Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

- Hi!

- Hi. How are you?

- Fine, and you?.. Oh! Have you bought a new hat?

(which means: "Do you really have a new hat on, or am I mistaken?")


- You know, this new flea market is something unbelievable. I was hanging about there for three hours yesterday, looking for something to buy, and all I finally bought was a $5 hat.

- Oh, did you buy a new hat?

(6) - то же самое. Если в контексте не появится ничего, что заставит нас устранить PrPf (то есть указание на время или рассказ о том, как я ее покупал), то это типичный PrPf. "I've bought a hat" в этом контексте означает "У меня есть нечто, что я могу сплавить шефу". (9) - типичный, очень характерный PrPf. Указание на время, которое прошло, совершенно исключается, потому что налицо указание на время, которое еще продолжается ("на этой неделе"). Перфектом выражается причина (я был в кино на этой неделе), а настоящим временем --результат (я не хочу в кино).

Возможен был бы и такой диалог:

- Let's go to the cinema.

- Thank you. I've been to the cinema this week.

и собеседнику, если он не непроходимый тупица, уже становится ясно, что вы не хотите идти в кино, потому что в данном контексте ваша фраза абсолютно адекватна фразе "Я не хочу идти в кино. Я сыт по горло этими боевиками". Но если вам кажется, что лучше это окончательно прояснить добавочной фразой "Я не хочу идти в кино" (для особо непонятливых), можете это сделать. "Thank you. I don't want to go to the cinema. I've been to the cinema this week." (10) - тоже характерный PrPf. Контекст может быть, например, таким:

- What can you know about movies? You can't tell good ones from bad ones: you never even go to the cinema.

- Why, I've been to the cinema one hundred thousand times!

(which means: "I am not worse at understanding movies than you are.")

Или таким:

- Honey, where are we going today? Wouldn't you like to go to the cinema with me?

- I've been to cinema one hundred thousand times!

(which means: "Think of something better, darling. I'm fed up with your movies.")

(11) - если это не вопрос к рассказу, то это перфект. Подразумевается: "И что, мне теперь нечего есть?"

- Has he eaten all the soup?

(which means: "And there's nothing left for me?")

(14) - такой же случай, какой разбирался выше про человека, похоронившего восемь жен. "He's been married four times". Теперь придумайте сами, что может иметь в виду человек, говорящий такие слова:

1. I have washed my hands.

2. He has come back from Paris.

3. He has gone to Poland.

4. We have already written them two letters.

5. He has slept well.

6. She has had a nightmare.

7. I haven't written the address on the envelope.

8. You haven't salted the soup.

9. I haven't spoken to him.

10. He has smoked all my cigarettes.

11. Have you walked the dog?

12. He has broken the iron.

Вот примерные варианты, но у вас, конечно, могут быть сотни других:

1. I hope I can go to table now.

2. You can go see him if you want to.

3. We can't get in touch with him right now.

4. Now we can expect them to reply.

5. He'll be able to work properly today.

6. She is very nervous.

7. I can't mail this letter yet.

8. I can't eat it.

9. I don't know his opinion.

10. I have nothing to smoke.

11. Do I have to walk him now?

12. He can't iron his shirt.

Наоборот, постарайтесь выразить следующие контексты одной фразой в перфекте.


Very soon I'll have a lot of money, 'cause I'm coming into legacy =

= My rich uncle has died.


What more explanation do you need? =

= I've already explained it to you one hundred times.

1. There's a lot of dirty dishes in the sink.

2. Are you going to take the garbage out?

3. He won't be able to use his left hand for a few weeks.

4. I can recite this poem by heart.

5. I am looking for my dog.

6. Don't make such a noise, you're going to wake your mother up.

7. She was pretty, but now she looks so ugly.

8. There's milk on the floor.

9. Do you have to buy a new pair of spectacles now?

10. Where is your test-paper?

11. Can you describe the Eiffel Tower to me?

12. I can't speak to him about it again.

Вот что (примерно) должно было получиться:

1. You haven't washed the dishes.

2. You haven't taken the garbage out yet.

3. He has broken his left arm.

4. I have learned this poem.

5. My dog has run away.

6. Your mother has just fallen asleep.

7. She has changed.

8. Somebody has spilt the milk.

9. Have you broken your spectacles?

10. I suppose you haven't written your test-paper.

11. Have you been to Paris?

12. I've already spoken to him a lot of times

или что-нибудь в этом роде. Возможны варианты, например I have lost my dog вместо (5) или Have you ever seen pictures of the Eiffel Tower вместо (11), но в принципе получается одно и то же: PrPf выражает другими словами то же самое, что выражено настоящим или будущим временем.

Теперь разберитесь, где следует употребить PrPf, а где Pastlndf в таком диалоге:

Once Mrs Smith left her 5-year-old son at her neighbors' for the whole day, 'cause she had to be out. In the evening she comes after him, and has the following conversation with the neighbor.

Neighbor (Mrs Brown): Well... I can't say I'm much satisfied with Tommy's behavior.

1. Mrs Smith: Why?

2. Mrs В.: Не (to break) my husband's favorite cup.

3. Mrs S.: Oh!.. How (it, to happen)?

4. Mrs В.: I (to tell) him not to take it, but he (to take) it anyway. Sure enough, he (to drop) it and (to smash) it.

5. Mrs S.; I'm so sorry... I hope he (not, to do) anything else.

6. Mrs В.: Oh yes. He (to spill) ink onto the carpet.

7. Mrs S.: But why (you, to give) him the ink?

8. Mrs B.: I?! I most certainly (not, to give) him any ink. He (to open) the drawer, (to find) the inkpot and (to start) fooling around with it.

9. Mrs S.: But where (to be) you ?

10. Mrs B.: I (to be) in the kitchen. When I (to come) back to the room, I (to see) the stain, and immediately (to take) the inkpot away from him. But it (to be) too late.

11. Mrs S.: And... What else (he, to do)?

12. Mrs В.: Не (to eat) all my shoe-polish. Just to think that I (to cook) such lovely dinner, and he (to prefer) shoe-polish!

13. Mrs S. (terrified): What?.. What (you, to say)?

14. Mrs B.: (patiently): He - (to eat) - all my shoe-polish. But don't worry, he (not, to eat) much: there wasn't too much left. Anyway, he (to eat) it a long time ago, and nothing (to happen) yet.

15. Mrs S.: (you, to call) the doctor?

16. Mrs В.: No. There isn't anything wrong with the young bandit. Nothing can harm such children. I only think you have to pay me for the cup he (to break), the carpet he (to spoil) and the shoe-polish he (to waste).

Вот что должно было получиться:

2. Mrs B.: has broken

3. Mrs S.: did it happen

4. Mrs В.: told, took, dropped, smashed

5. Mrs S.: hasn't done

6. Mrs В.: has spilt

The Present Perfect и The Past Indefinite Tenses 121

7. Mrs S.: did you give

8. Mrs В.: didn't

11. Mrs S.: has he done

12. Mrs В.: has eaten, cooked, preferred

13. Mrs S.: did you say
