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Black Commando In The World Of Magic
Оценка: Оценка   10 (1)
Number of pages: 11
The book is finished, but only a part of the whole book is laid out
Language of a book: Английский
Language of an original book: Русский
Publisher: Альтаспера
City of publish: Торонто
Year of publish: 2022
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QR кодРазмер: 22,7 КбайтДобавлено 14 декабря 2022, 8:55
QR кодРазмер: 21,8 КбайтДобавлено 14 декабря 2022, 8:55

    Black fighter elite special forces Arnold Luger is tasked to find in the world of magic chip with unique information. Having moved the mighty warrior faces magic, vampires. trolls, spirits, and even pagan gods. It's not easy in the new world, where everything is like in a terrible fairy tale. But Arnold not weak ten, and besides differs in mind, ingenuity and ingenuity! Lots of beautiful girls! Girls barefoot and in bikini. They are very combat and the powerpuff girls.

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