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Love at First Sight
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Love at First Sight
Автор:Daniels B.J. (EN)
Количество страниц: 11
Доступен ознакомительный фрагмент
Язык книги: Русский
Издатель: HarperCollins
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QR кодРазмер: 1 МбайтДобавлено 5 июня 2020, 12:05
QR кодРазмер: 112,2 КбайтДобавлено 5 июня 2020, 12:05
QR кодРазмер: 112,6 КбайтДобавлено 5 июня 2020, 12:05

    KAREN SUTTON NEVER GOT IN TROUBLE OR CAUSED A SCENEBut when she witnessed a murder, good breeding went by the wayside. She set out to expose the murderer–and came away with amnesia. The only thing she knew: she'd married the sexiest, strongest, single most beautiful man she'd ever seen.Solid and built, Jack Adams was a tough-guy cop who always got his man. But this time the girl next door got him–as her husband! Jack had tried everything to deter Karen from her pursuit. The only way to protect her was to pose as her new groom until the killer was caught or she remembered…or Jack died from wanting the witness.

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