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The Rake's Ruined Lady
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The Rake's Ruined Lady
Автор:Brendan Mary (EN)
Количество страниц: 13
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Язык книги: Русский
Издатель: HarperCollins
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QR кодРазмер: 1,3 МбайтДобавлено 5 июня 2020, 15:27
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    Dishonourable intentions on his mind!Beatrice Dewey keeps falling for unsuitable men… She believes the man she loved, Hugh Kendrick, is lost to her for ever, and now her new fiancé has cancelled their wedding!But then Hugh re-enters her life, trailing rumours of illicit love affairs in his wake. Instead of marriage he offers her a very public, passionate kiss! To succumb to his skilful seduction would be the ultimate road to ruin, but is there enough of the old Hugh left to convince Bea to give him another chance?

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