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So, You Wanna Be a Millionaire…
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So, You Wanna Be a Millionaire…
Author:Johnson James P. (EN)
A introductory fragment is available
Language of a book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    So, You Wanna Be a Millionaire... provides you with a step-by-step guide to developing a personalized financial plan that will help you build wealth. The techniques are very simple to understand and the author has done a great job in explaining the basic concepts in a straightforward way. He has included many tables that you can immediately use in creating your own wealth-building plan. The author has helped hundreds of people build financial independence by using the advice and strategies that he outlines in this very readable book. So, You Wanna Be a Millionaire... is not a "get rich quick" book sold by snake oil salesmen; but rather; it presents a disciplined approach that anyone can apply to accumulating wealth. Indeed, the author and his wife have successfully used the techniques themselves.

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