This unique book describes quantum field theory completely within the context of path integrals. With its utility in a variety of fields in physics, the subject matter is primarily developed within the context of quantum mechanics before going into specialized areas.Adding new material keenly requested by readers, this second edition is an important expansion of the popular first edition. Two extra chapters cover path integral quantization of gauge theories and anomalies, and a new section extends the supersymmetry chapter, where singular potentials in supersymmetric systems are described.Contents:Path Integrals and Quantum MechanicsHarmonic OscillatorGenerating FunctionalPath Integrals for FermionsSupersymmetrySemi-Classical MethodsPath Integral for the Double WellPath Integral for Relativistic TheoriesEffective ActionInvariances and Their ConsequencesGauge TheoriesAnomaliesSystems at Finite TemperatureIsing ModelReadership: Researchers and practitioners in high energy, theoretical and quantum physics.