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Mugglenet.com's Harry Potter Should Have Died
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Mugglenet.com's Harry Potter Should Have Died
Author:Spartz Emerson (EN)
A introductory fragment is available
Language of a book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    HARRY POTTER DIDN'T DIE.The seventh and final book is out, but fans still fiercely debate the many controversial issues left unresolved. Now, the experts at MuggleNet.com argue passionately about what really happened and what should have happened.Would the series be stronger if Harry hadnt survived?Should we pity Voldemort or hate him?Is Severus Snape really a hero?Should J.K. Rowling have left Dumbledores gay sexual orientation a secret?Did Harry actually die in Deathly Hallows?Were the Slytherins too demonized, the Hufflepuffs too lame, and the Gryffindors too glorified?Should J.K.R. write more Harry Potter novels or go out on top?

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