Billy is a monster hunter. Thats because his home is infested with slimy, hairy, creeping, slithering, garbage-eating monsters! One week, Billy does battle with the monstersin his bedroom, in the bathroom, even in the kitchen. But the problem is that monster hunting is a messy operation, and Billys mom isnt so thrilled about all the messes she continues to find, whether it is water covering the floor, clothes thrown on the furniture, or food strewn about in the kitchen. So, when the hunting goes too far for Mom, Billy learns that monster hunting canand mustbe done with the proper tools. A vacuum or a rag with soapy water does wonders in defeating and cleaning up after a particularly troublesome Mud-Grass monster. With Billys new monster-hunting techniques, he and Mom come to an agreement, and Halloween (and the house) is never the same again!Author and illustrator Justin LaRocca Hansen has created a fun and clever story that teaches children the importance of cleaning up after their messes. The whimsical illustrations of Billy happily fighting off his imaginative monsters will capture the attention of young readers, while reminding them to be responsible at home. A must-read for any special monster hunter you may know!