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Primary English: Teaching Theory and Practice
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Primary English: Teaching Theory and Practice
Author:Coates Liz (EN)
A introductory fragment is available
Language of a book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    The Sixth Edition of this popular core text provides the essential teaching theory and practice for primary English. It promotes effective teaching through secure pedagogical knowledge, covering the key skills of planning, monitoring and assessment and class management, and relating these specifically to primary English. This Sixth Edition is linked to the 2012 Teachers' Standards.With full coverage of the theory and practice required for effective and creative English teaching, this text is an essential guide for all trainees working towards QTS. Throuhgout, practical guidance and features support trainees to translate this learning to the classroom, embed ICT in their lessons and to understand the wider context of their teaching. Trainees will find it helpful to use this book alongside Primary English Knowledge and Understanding. About the Achieving QTS seriesAll the books in this successful series support trainees through their initial teacher training and guide them in the acquisition of their subject knowledge, understanding and classroom practice. All new titles within the series link to the 2012 Teachers' Standards and take into accont recent changes in Initial Teacher Training.Jane Medwell is an Associate Professor of Education at the Institute of Education, University of Warwick.David Wray is Professor of Literacy Education at the Institute of Education, University of Warwick.Hilary Minns co-ordinates primary English courses in the Institute of Education, University of Warwick.Elizabeth Coates works in the Institute of Education, University of Warwick, where she co-ordinate Early Years courses.Vivienne Griffiths is Professor of Education at Canterbury Christ Church University.

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