When 21 year old, Lucy drops out of college to write a novel, she assumes she will transform into some sort of glittering and fabulous Jane Austen. Instead, she finds herself trapped in a Southern soap opera full of mullets, Drag Queen violence, and Sexy British Manfriend Lover's. She's spent her whole life on an anti-love and relationships soapbox. Why? Well, hello, love is time consuming and probably not even real. I mean, where's the scientific proof? She's tried Googling to no avail. Her best friend, Tom, a recent college graduate, assumes he'll spend his post-college days finding a new way to fall out of love with Lucy. His diet of whiskey and women cuts some of the weight, but he finds himself more obsessively in love with Lucy every damn day. It all gets too real when Lucy accidentally finds herself falling in love with a handsome British geek. Lucy is left with the choice: Do I Hit it or Quit it? Tom is left with the choice: Do I hit him or quit her?