Prayer gives us wings to soar!Prayer unlocks the word of God!Prayer is the pinnacle of what we believe!When we begin to pray, the people will stay!The hour has come that we must not settle for 5 minuteprayers, 10 minute prayers, or 1 hour prayers. We must learnto wait with God in prayer! We must learn that we cannotcease to pray before we obtain our desired results! It's timeto pray until God's glorious hand moves over the waters andbegins to speak light and life into our generation!Liberating the Eagle WithinJesus has also summoned us to fasting like never before. We must not content ourselves with a church service or witha small prayer meeting. It's time that we place some firebehind the wings of our spiritual intercession and take flightto heights that others have not known. We can't do it unlesswe fast!Some things will not be done unless we fast!Some things won't be healed until will fast!Some yokes won't be broken until we fast!Some demons won't be cast out until we fast!We must break every bond and bring to pass every deliveranceGod desires!Fasting is an avenue that many of us have forgotten. Wehave allowed the enemy to steal one of our most vital instrumentsof warfare. He has placed a blinding mechanism overthe eyes of the church to keep us from using the weapon thatreleases the spirit from the body! We need to be about ourfather's business and return to fasting and prayer. When we do as God has instructed there will be internalrevival, domestic revival, community revival, city revival,state revival, country revival, and international revival!It's time that we do what we are called to do!We are called to send a revival!Jesus said, you shall receive power (Acts 1:8)!We have power to send forth revival!We have power to wage war against God's enemy!We have the authority to take the devil captive!This revival must start in our homes - Let it be done!When we all get on one accord and begin to worship, evangelize,disciple, and have effective fellowship, the worldwill be changed! Not change you can believe in, but actualchange! This change is not dependent upon man's response;this change is dependent upon God's divine word! For theLORD said," If my people, which are called by my name,shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turnLiberating the Eagle Withinfrom their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, andwill forgive their sin, and will heal their land" (2 Chronicles7:14). The healing of our land does not depend on the president;it doesn't reside with governors or other rulers; thehealing of our land is solely dependent upon God's word andour obedience to it!Let's get locked in the healing of Jesus!Let's keep ourselves locked in His presence where there isfullness of joy!Locked in His love where there is total safety!Locked in His blessing!Locked in His unspeakable joy!