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Trauma – and how mature adults deal with it
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Trauma – and how mature adults deal with it
Author:Emmanuel Seth (EN)
A introductory fragment is available
Language of a book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    Have you ever wondered why the younger generation makes so many mistakes in life? The logical conclusion is that they haven't gained the wisdom and experiences of more mature adults. When we reach middle-age we have the benefit of hindsight, acquired patience and thoughtfulness. We make decisions and approach life's distresses in a non-emotional, considered way and we are all too well aware of the consequences of bad decisions. We are too seasoned to repeat the mistakes of youth. Wrong! Regardless of age, it seems we approach traumas in the same irrational and emotional state of our youth. This book examines Seth's experiences and his decision making process through his encounters in marriage, his second divorce, middle-age dating, the cancer of his son, and the incredible political and economic mess the world is in and how our 'mature' politicians are addressing that mess. The author also offers insights to those "in the middle" on how to deal with the traumas of life.Book reviews online @ www.publishedbestsellers.com

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