The Peyton Brothers begins in 1948 when young, well-to-do Vince Peyton first lays eyes on young and impressionable Pam Woods. They are both living in the Denver, Colorado area but have never set eyes on one another until one day, by chance in a small pizza place their eyes meet. For Vince it is love at first summation and for Pam it is practically love at first sight. They begin a courtship and a tumultuous marriage that lasts for over sixty years. They would enjoy love, laughter and bitter disappointment. They would also produce four sons who would bear witness to their fiery love hate relationship. After their passing in the year 2012, their four sons, along with their wives, would all gather one year later to celebrate their parent's lives and hash out old and new wounds that had haunted all four Peyton brothers for many years. The Peyton Brothers is about a family full of love, hope, anger, pain and ultimately forgiveness.