Object-relational mapping (ORM, O/RM, and O/R mapping) in computer software is a programming technique for converting data between incompatible type systems in object-oriented programming languages. This creates, in effect, a "virtual object database" that can be used from within the programming language. There are both free and commercial packages available that perform object-relational mapping, although some programmers opt to create their own ORM tools. This book is your ultimate resource for Object-relational mapping (ORM). Here you will find the most up-to-date information, analysis, background and everything you need to know. In easy to read chapters, with extensive references and links to get you to know all there is to know about Object-relational mapping (ORM) right away, covering: Object-relational mapping, AgileFx, Apache Cayenne, Apache OpenJPA, AutoFetch, Bold for Delphi, Comparison of object-relational mapping software, Datamapper, Doctrine (PHP), Ebean, Hibernate (Java), IBATIS, Java Data Objects, Java Object Oriented Querying, Java Persistence API, List of object-relational mapping software, LLBLGen Pro, MyBatis, Object-relational impedance mismatch, ODB (C++), OpenAccess ORM, ORMLite, PdoMap (PHP), Propel (PHP), IBM PureQuery, Quick Objects, QuickDB ORM, Signum Framework, SQLAlchemy, TopLink, Active database, ADO.NET, ADO.NET data provider, AllegroGraph, Altibase, Animation database, Database application, ArchiveGrid, Associative Entities, Autocommit, Back-end database, BigTable, Binary large object, BioSearch, BrandZ, Brapci, Canada GE3LS, Centralized database, Centralised Information Service for Complementary Medicine, Checkpoint restart, China Economic Databases, Clinical data repository, CLSQL, Collection database, Commitment ordering, The History of Commitment Ordering, Comparison of ADO and ADO.NET, Comparison of database access, Comparison of OLAP Servers, Comparison of structured storage software, Comprehensive Microbial Resource, ConceptBase, Concurrency control, Configuration management database, Connection string, Consensus CDS Project, Covers, Titles, and Tables: Anthologies and The Formations of American Literary Canons, Crystallographic database, CSQL, CSQL Cache, Current database, Current Index to Statistics, DAD-IS, Data administration, Data Composite, Data Description Specifications, Data event, Data item, Data masking, Data pack, Data pool, Data redundancy, Data store, Data system, Database, Database audit, Database caching, Database connection, Dbclient, Java Database Connectivity, Database Deployment Manager, Database design, Database forensics, Database management system, Database Marketing Agency, Database normalization, Database publishing, Database Source Name, Database storage structures, Database virtualization, Datasource, DBMail IMAP and POP3 server, Declarative Referential Integrity, Deductive language, Devgems Data Modeler, DEX (Graph database), DeZign for Databases, Diablo Data Systems, Digital curation, Diplomatic Documents of Switzerland, Directory (databases), Distributed concurrency control, Distributed database, Domain relational calculus, DUAL table, Dynamo (storage system), Dynaset, EJB QL, Elasticity (data store), Emissions & Generation Resource Integrated Database (eGRID), Endgame tablebase, Enterprise database management, Entity-attribute-value model, ER/Studio, ERROL, ESPRID, Event condition action, Federation of International Trade Associations, FlockDB, Fluidinfo, Foreign key, Geodatabase, Glass databases, Global concurrency control, Global serializability, GlobalTrade.net, Graph database, Halloween Problem...and much more This book explains in-depth the real drivers and workings of Object-relational mapping (ORM). It reduces the risk of your technology, time and resources investment decisions by enabling you to compare your understanding of Object-relational mapping (ORM) with the objectivity of experienced professionals.