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Divided Loyalties
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Divided Loyalties
Author:Scanlan Patricia (EN)
A introductory fragment is available
Language of a book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    Shauna and Greg's marriage is under pressure. She wants another baby. He doesn't. She also has to endure her obnoxious in-laws, 'The Freeloaders', Della, Eddie and their spoilt kids. They arrive at her home at the drop of a hat, stay as long as they like, and eat and drink all around them without lifting a finger to help. Shauna's glad to be moving abroad - she'll be free of them at long last. But three thousand miles won't stop the determined Della. Free holidays in an exotic location. Perfect! Carrie, Shauna's sister, can't help feeling put upon. The burden of looking after their elderly, hypochondriac father rests on her and she's fed up of it. Is it too much to ask that the burden be shared? Even though she loves her siblings, resentment builds. Can Carrie put her foot down and stand up for herself?Bobby, the youngest, has a poisoned relationship with his father who blames him for the premature death of his wife. A bitter confrontation leaves them estranged. Can they ever settle their differences? Or are some rifts just to painful to resolve?The last Christmas the family got together was a disaster, but circumstances change. Can the family turn things around and finally put the past behind them as they prepare for another family gathering?

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