Литмир - Электронная Библиотека
Childbirth in the Global Village
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Childbirth in the Global Village
Author:Hillier Dawn (EN)
A introductory fragment is available
Language of a book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    Is the experience of childbirth becoming 'globalised'?Is the encroachment of the western medical model dehumanising a profoundly human experience?If so, what can midwives and midwife educators do about it?These are the questions at the heart of Childbirth in the Global Village which highlights the role that globalisation plays in changing childbirth practices and its implications for midwifery practice and education.Built around the vivid personal stories of women and midwives experiencing childbirth in four very different cultures Childbirth in the Global Village will resonate with the experience of midwives everywhere and makes a strong case for redesigning the midwifery curriculum to reflect the interconnectedness of childbirth, midwifery education and practice around the globe.

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