By you being here on Planet Earth, you have agreed to start and complete this journey called life. Everyone here on Planet Earth has a life. However, most of us are not alive; we are in a state of survival. We are not alive because we are either afraid to live or we do not know how to live. Because of this, we compromise to live our lives in a state of constipation: everything is stuck because our lives lack rhythm and flow. And when our lives do appear to have some movement, they creep with disharmony, dissatisfaction, and discomfort!In this operating manual for life, you will learn how to:1. Manipulate any situation to create harmony, fulfillment, peace, and prosperity2. Control your destiny and predict with precision the types of events and activities that you will create and attract3. Use the 12 Universal Ingredients to become the Ultimate Human4. Become a master of your universe5. Learn how to emancipate yourself from personal demons, distractions, and nuances and soar from withinYou deserve to have the best life right now and right here! The universe is an endless "lost and found"; everything that you can imagine and everything unimaginable is here in this universe. However, there is nothing lost in the Universe; everything has a purpose and is purposeful. Now go forth and claim your life and everything that you want in it ( whether it is tangible or intangible) and live as children of The Most High!