All of our Christian lives we prepare ourselves to hear God say, "Go," but nothing prepares us for His calling to stop. You feel God's nudging. Change is coming; you feel you're on the edge of an adventure with God. You're excited and have surrendered to His call. Suddenly, everything stops-the waiting begins. Debby Akerman and her family had received a promise from God for a new adventure with Him as He called them to move south. Willing to leave family, friends, and ministry behind, she was shocked when God chose to put their move on hold. She wasn't sure how to deal with waiting. In her search for understanding, she started studying the concept of waiting from a biblical perspective. Filled with personal stories and scriptural accounts of waiting, Hold On is a power-packed, principle-filled book providing just the encouragement you need to wait for God's promises in your life. Application questions in each chapter will help you see your particular wait from God's perspective and give you perseverance to wait on His perfect timing.