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Mean Streets
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Mean Streets
Author:McSherry Peter (EN)
A introductory fragment is available
Language of a book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    Short-listed for the 2003 Edna Staebler Award for Creative Non-Fiction A world exists on the nighttime streets that the average person cannot envision. Taxi driver Peter McSherry recounts tales of his thirty years of experience driving cabs at night on the hard-bitten streets of Canada's largest city. Drunks, punks, con artists, hookers, pimps, drug addicts, drug pushers, thugs, nymphomaniacs, snakes, politicians, celebrities . . . he's experienced them all. McSherry serves up his stories with forthrightness, humour, and the occasional dash of cynicism. In this well-written and street-smart book, the author tells the rest of us about a world we can only imagine - if we dare.

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