Captured and sold into slavery, Decimus Rex is trained to fight as a gladiator in the infamous Arena. Our young hero must take on the might of Rome in order to survive. A Hero's QuestWhen Decimus Rex arrives at Arena Primus, he must endure trials involving burning hot coals, hammers, spikes and combat. The journey to manhood has begun...Escape From EvilIn the dreaded Arena of Doom, Decimus faces a race over burning hot coals and violent hand-to-hand combat with a fellow slave. Surely life can't get any more difficult than this?Stowaway SlavesDecimus Rex has escaped Arena Primus in the company of a fellow slave, Olu Umbika. Together, the pair have managed to do what no one else has ever done - flee the clutches of Slavious Doom. As expected, the overlord is furious and demands their immediate capture.