The ageless characters who evolved from humans in Sea Species continue their efforts to save the Earth and humanity after the devastating destruction of the ecosystem by the series of meteorite strikes. With ninety percent of the human population wiped out, civilization is on the brink of extinction. Only the genetic technology of the descendant species, Homakuwa, can bring the ecosystem back before starvation takes the last humans. The United World Governments holds civilization together as they recover, but a new society arises from those left out of the UWG plan. The technology of the past was saved, and a program to use robots for the labor force results in Artificial Intelligence and a new species on Earth. In The Envoy, Homakuwa expanded beyond Earth designing themselves as space creatures. They began to inhabit the other planets and design themselves for those environs. Homakuwa sends some of its members toward the center of the galaxy, and as they spread out into the universe, they again evolve into a new species until the cycle of evolution starts anew.