Jeans, T-shirts, shorts, vests, undies, floaters, shampoo, conditioner, moisturizer, sunscreen, floss, gloss, kajal, deo, curl serum, painkillers, Swiss knife, camera, iPod, laptop, chewing gum, notepad, pen, map. And oh the black dress, the black heels and the push up bra--just in case! What would you do if your sleazy boss ran his hands all over you and then blamed you for not doing your job well? Well, I just packed off on a road trip! Just me in my old jeep, Iqbal Mastani, we travelled all the way from Delhi to this little guest house up in the mountains. I met people I had never known (cute boys who taught me to fish), did things I would have never done (sleeping drunk in a cold balcony) and somewhere in the middle of that, fell in love! Lanka in all its diversity.