The fields of neurobiology and psychological counselling both seek to unlock and explain the mysteries of the human brain. Despite sharing a common goal, these two fields often seem hopelessly divorced. To the counselor, neurobiology may seem incomprehensible and can appear, overly reliant on empirical data that is not grounded in experience. However, with A Counselor's Introduction to Neuroscience, the authors have created a guidebook to neurobiology that is customized for counselors' unique goals and requirements. Drawing of years of experience, not only in the lab, but in the counsellor's chair, the authors unravel the complexities of neuroscience and present an easily understood volume that is an essential companion for any counsellor who wishes to expand his or her understanding of the human brain, how it works, and how it creates our identities. Students and clinicians alike will also benefit hugely from the inclusion of a DVD that shows precisely how the brain acts and reacts during typical and atypical counseling sessions.