The recent revolution in differential topology related to the discovery of non-standard (”exotic”) smoothness structures on topologically trivial manifolds such as R4 suggests many exciting opportunities for applications of potentially deep importance for the spacetime models of theoretical physics, especially general relativity. This rich panoply of new differentiable structures lies in the previously unexplored region between topology and geometry. Just as physical geometry was thought to be trivial before Einstein, physicists have continued to work under the tacit — but now shown to be incorrect — assumption that differentiability is uniquely determined by topology for simple four-manifolds. Since diffeomorphisms are the mathematical models for physical coordinate transformations, Einstein's relativity principle requires that these models be physically inequivalent. This book provides an introductory survey of some of the relevant mathematics and presents preliminary results and suggestions for further applications to spacetime models.Contents:Introduction and BackgroundAlgebraic Tools for TopologySmooth Manifolds, GeometryBundles, Geometry, Gauge TheoryGauge Theory and Moduli SpaceA Guide to the Classification of ManifoldsEarly Exotic ManifoldsThe First Results in Dimension FourSeiberg–Witten Theory: The Modern ApproachPhysical ImplicationsFrom Differential Structures to Operator Algebras and Geometric StructuresReadership: Students and researchers in mathematical physics, general relativity and differential topology.Key Features:Reviews current business practices relevant to current challenges in emerging marketsCovers all the continents, and thus has global representation of emerging marketsCovers all the major functional areas of business: marketing, strategy, operations and financeIncludes case studies and sections on implications for managers/policymakers in addition to empirical articles, for a balance of academic rigor and managerial implications