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Weapons of Our Warfare
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Weapons of Our Warfare
Author:Maddox Dr. Ernest (EN)
A introductory fragment is available
Language of a book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    Hello, my name is Dr. Ernest Maddox. I'm the pastor of the POINTE of Light Christian Center. We are located in Detroit, Michigan. And you know if you have purchased this CD, or it's been made a gift to you by a friend, you are in for a blessing. Our topic is going to be in the area of spiritual warfare. If you are interested in a title, you can call it the Weapons of Our Warfare. But we are going to be talking about spiritual and supernatural activity relative to the Word of God, and how it impacts the Christian. And we are going to approach it from a foundational point of attack, an influence issue relative to those of us who are walking in the context of Christianity relative to God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

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