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Happiness, Horse Apples and Hand Grenades
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Happiness, Horse Apples and Hand Grenades
Author:Thompson Connie K. (EN)
A introductory fragment is available
Language of a book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    HAPPINESS, HORSE APPLES AND HAND GRENADE: A Guide for Creating a Stable Relationship with a Man (or a Horse) makes the humorous but insightful observation that "Women and men are different. Women and horses... still different. Men and horses... not so much." By breaking down the similarities of man and horse, Connie teaches women how to see their partners as the unique beasts they are and how to truly appreciate the differences between them and us women. As the book title implies, Connie K. Thompson breaks down relationships into three parts: (1) Happiness - the happy part, (2) Horse Apples - the crappy part, and (3) Hand Grenades - the battles in between. Every relationship desires happiness, but couples often spend too much time in the battle zones trying to re-make their partners, actions that only leave the couple in the crappy part. If you are a woman who has a horse, ever had a horse, or has always wanted a horse, you acknowledge the unique bond between women and horses--even if you don't understand it. And if you are a man, you see the evidence of that love in the hours and money your woman spends on your 1,000-pound competition. And what man wouldn't give his favorite sneakers to be loved with the same complete acceptance that women give their horses?But if women can love another species with such total devotion, why do women have such a hard time loving their human partners? Connie believes it's all in unrealistic expectations. We expect horses to act like horses, but we expect men to act like romantic heroes who can read our minds, understand our strange hormonal moments, and leap tall buildings in a single bound. By examining the physical, mental, social, and emotional aspects of men and horses, Connie shows women that there really isn't that much difference between the equine and homo sapiens variety. Her hilarious examples of animal behavior and blunt honesty about the games that women play will have the reader laughing out loud and blurting out "OMG, that's me!" With the clarity of a microscope and the bluntness of a boulder, Connie pulls no punches in examining some of the misconceptions both men and women hold that keep them from understanding each other and missing the gold ring of happiness. Women everywhere will identify with this wacky, witty and wild ride through the romantic world of humans. And she constantly reminds us that being in love is supposed to be fun!

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