Server provisioning is a set of actions to prepare a server with appropriate systems, data and software, and make it ready for network operation. Typical tasks when provisioning a server are: select a server from a pool of available servers, load the appropriate software (operating system, device drivers, middleware, and applications), appropriately customize and configure the system and the software to create or change a boot image for this server, and then change its parameters, such as IP address, IP Gateway to find associated network and storage resources (sometimes separated as resource provisioning) to audit the system. By auditing the system, you ensure OVAL compliance with limit vulnerability, ensure compliance, or install patches. After these actions, you restart the system and load the new software. This makes the system ready for operation. Typically an internet service provider (ISP) or Network Operations Center will perform these tasks to a well-defined set of parameters, for example, a boot image that the organization has approved and which uses software it has license to. Many instances of such a boot image create a virtual dedicated host. This book is your ultimate resource for Server Provisioning. Here you will find the most up-to-date information, analysis, background and everything you need to know. In easy to read chapters, with extensive references and links to get you to know all there is to know about Server Provisioning right away, covering: Provisioning, Alien thread, Application binary interface, Asynchronous System Trap, Microreboot, BSD disklabel, Chain loading, Computer multitasking, Computer terminal, Concurrent computing, Control register, Control-Alt-Delete, Core common area, CPU shielding, Crash reporter, Crash-only software, Cyclic executive, Deferred Procedure Call, Delegated administration, Dereference operator, Device driver, Dynamic loading, Environment variable, Epoch (reference date), ERIKA Enterprise, Event flag, Event monitoring, Exokernel, Fast user switching, Filter (software), Flag (computing), Flag word, General protection fault, Graphics device interface, Hardware abstraction, Hardware abstraction layer, Hibernation (computing), Hybrid kernel, Interrupt handler, Interruptible operating system, Jiffy (time), Kaneton, Kastor (kernel), KDL, Kernel (computing), Library (computing), Load (computing), Loadable kernel module, Login session, Microkernel, Mode-setting, Monolithic kernel, Multi-user, Multiseat configuration, National CSS, Network operating system, Network redirector, Non-blocking algorithm, Object-oriented operating system, Opaak, Opaque binary blob, OpenCable Application Platform, Operating System Abstraction Layer, Operating system development, Operating system-level virtualization, Pilot-link, Position-independent code, Preemption (computing), Process (computing), Process management (computing), Program state, Protected procedure call, Radix Protector, Read-copy-update, Real-time clock alarm, Real-time operating system, Remote direct memory access, Remote procedure call, Restricted shell, Ring (computer security), Rpath, Run queue, Runnable Userspace Meta Programs, Safe mode, Segmentation fault, Separation kernel, Separation of mechanism and policy, Shell (computing), Shutdown (computing), Single address space operating system, Single user mode, Sleep mode, Slice (disk), Spooling, Status register, Supervisory program, System call, System Contention Scope, System image, System time, Tanenbaum-Torvalds debate, Thread (computer science), Time-sharing, User space, VDSO, Virtual machine, Working set, X86 debug register, Year 2038 problem, Yield method This book explains in-depth the real drivers and workings of Server Provisioning. It reduces the risk of your technology, time and resources investment decisions by enabling you to compare your understanding of Server Provisioning with the objectivity of experienced professionals.