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Oberon Book of Modern Monologues for Men: Volume Two
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Oberon Book of Modern Monologues for Men: Volume Two
Author:Weate Catherine (EN)
A introductory fragment is available
Language of a book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    Monologues are an essential part of every actor's toolkit. Actors are required to perform monologues regularly throughout their career: preparing for drama school entry, showcasing skills for agents or auditioning for a role. Following on from the bestselling first volume (2008), this book showcases selected monologues from some of the finest modern plays by some of today's leading contemporary playwrights. These monologues contain a diverse range of quirky and memorable characters that cross cultural and historical boundaries. The pieces are helpfully organised into age-specific groups: 'Teens', 'Twenties', 'Thirties' and 'Forties plus'.

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