ABOUT THE BOOK Siberian Huskies are energetic and powerful dogs with robust figures and a resilient nature. Originally bred for load pulling in difficult conditions, they retain their status as a working breed while also serving as show dogs and family pets. If you are considering getting a Siberian or have done so recently, congratulations! This guide will help you familiarize yourself with your dogs needs in order to ensure a happy, healthy, and long-lasting relationship between you and your dog. MEET THE AUTHOR Laura Forshaw is an experienced writer and a member of the Hyperink Team, which works hard to bring you high-quality, engaging, fun content. EXCERPT FROM THE BOOK Although Siberian Huskies may look intimidating to people and other dogs, don't let their powerful appearance deceive you. These dogs are friendly and affectionate as can be. Those who find the appearance of a Siberian Husky intimidating should consider what the Rocky Mountain Siberian Husky Club has to say about the breed: His rugged endurance, stamina and untiring energy have led to the misconception that the Siberian is a fierce, belligerent animal. Nothing could be more untrue. A Siberian will pull in harness until he drops in the traces. He will vehemently argue the view that only small breeds should be lap dogs. He thrives on affection and returns it doubled. When raised from a pup with a child, a safer, more friendly and faithful companion could not be found. Siberians are incredibly social and don't fare well being left alone for long periods of time. If you work all day and dont have another pet, your dog will get lonely and lonely and may indulge in destructive behavior. CHAPTER OUTLINEA New Owner's Guide to Siberian HuskiesA New Owner's Guide to Siberian Huskies+ Introduction+ Insider Information+ Beginner's Survival Guide: How to Care for Your Siberian Husky+ Situational Advice for Your Siberian Husky+ ...and much more