Recognized experts from around the world bring you "cutting-edge guidance on the treatment of distal radius fractures and carpal injuries. Practical and comprehensive, you'll find detailed coverage of the treatment and causes of ulnar sided wrist pain, as well as the latest arthroscopic and mini-invasive techniques for the fixation of both distal radius fractures and scaphoid fractures. The user-friendly format features practical tips, pearls, and potential pitfalls to help optimize outcomes. Best of all, intraoperative videos of 44 techniques available on online make this an outstanding multimedia guide for the treatment of these challenging fractures.Uses real cases to illustrate diagnostic decision-making, nonsurgical and surgical management and care, and outcomes measurement for a variety of complex distal radius fractures, as well as 44 videos-over two hours-of procedures all on the website.Includes the fully-searchable text online for quick and easy access to the information you need.Covers distal radius fractures from imaging and classification to the new locking plate designs, emerging nonplate alternatives such as intramedullary and T-pin fixation, and newer nonbridging external fixators for intra-articular fractures to provide you with the latest developments in the field.Presents material in a concise, practical format for an ideal review before surgery.Provides a visual display of intraoperative procedures through full-color images and photographs.Features additional chapters-Role of Advanced Imaging in Distal Radius Fractures, Patient-focused Wrist Outcome Instrument, Biomechanics and Biology of Plate Fixation of Distal Radius Fractures, Micronail, Rehabilitation Following Distal Radius Fractures: a biomechanical/procedure specific approach, Use of Thermal Shrinkage - Biology and applications, Arthroscopic Thermal Shrinkage for Scapholunate Ligament Injuries, Rehabilitation following Carpal Injury, Reconstruction of the Distal Radius Facet by a Free Vascularized Ostechondral Graft-online for even more value.