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Cross-Cultural Destination Image Assessment: Cultural segmentation versus the global tourist
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Cross-Cultural Destination Image Assessment: Cultural segmentation versus the global tourist
Author:Kadhi Wassim El (EN)
A introductory fragment is available
Language of a book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    Various scholars consider destination image - a vital part in tourism marketing- as the key in attracting tourists. It is often regarded, as the most important element in a destination's management and may induce success or failure. Within this research project, destination image is being assessed in cross-cultural terms. It scrutinises the extent to which destination image is culture specific. In other words, does a destination's image vary across people from different cultural backgrounds? This question evolves and is vindicated in an era that is subjected to globalisation and increasingly refers to the global tourist. Many academics are convinced that the world tourism market may be treated as a homogenous one due to globalisation. However, the literature also provides some opposing bearings and discusses them. Hence, the author of this book intended to investigate this issue in more depth in order to find a probable answer to the contradicting sources by conducting an exploratory study of Arab-Islamic and Protestant European youth's pre-visitation image on Berlin. In response to the objectives of this study, primary research was carried out. It involved both quantitative and qualitative data collection methods. Field and online surveys enabled the researcher to collect 239 completed questionnaires. Besides semi-structured interviews and focus group discussions were carried out. Obtained data was entered into SPSS and frequencies and means were calculated and several ANOVA tests and cross-tabulations conducted in order to stress destination image's specificity in terms of cultural background. This book further gives information on Berlin as a tourist destination, addresses destination image concerning influential cultural factors and the implications of globalisation on consumer behaviour. Finally, it studies the Arab-Islamic and Protestant European youth cultures in the light of globalisation and potential modifying effects. It also provides recommendations for further research. This study is of interest for destination marketers, especially those interested in Arabic tourists, students specialising on tourism, culture or globalisation and may provide bachelor and master students with hints and tips, on how to approach a research project.

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