This is a commemoration volume to honor Professor M Veltman on the ocassion of his 60th birthday. It contains articles on Gauge field theories, a subject to which Prof. Veltman has made many important and seminal contributions. Some of the contributions are based on invited talks given at the Conference held in Ann Arbor, Michigan, May 16 – 18 1991. The articles in the book cover a wide range of topics from formal and phenomenological to the experimental aspects of Gauge theories.Contents:Comments on the Occasion of the Symposium Celebrating the Sixtieth Birthday of Martinus Veltman (H Neal)The Largest Time Equation and Long Distance Behavior in Gauge Field Theories (R Akhoury)Top Quark Condensate Models (W A Bardeen)Fast and Reliable Random Numbers for Extensive Monte Carlo Calculations (A Compagner)Large Higgs Mass, Triviality and Asymptotic Freedom (M Consoli)Strong CP Violation and Effective Chiral Lagrangians (E de Rafael)Is Your Weight Gauge Dependent? (B de Wit)Effective Theories and Thresholds in Particle Physics (M K Gaillard)Neutrino Mass Matrices with Minimal Polynomials of Second or Third Degree in the Three Family Model (C Jarlskog)Q: Some Like It Hot or Why There Have Been Small Bangs (C Korthal-Altes)The Last Ten Years of Radiative Corrections (G Passarino)The Analytic Value of the Atomic Three Electron Correlation Integral with Slater Wave Functions (E Remiddi)Example of Quantum Field Theory Based on Nonlinear Lie Algebra (P van Nieuwenhuizen, K Schoutens & A Sevrin)Tini and the Cosmological Constant (L Susskind)The Veltman Vertex (R Thun)Third Threshold in Weak Interactions? (H Veltman & J J van der Bij)Relation Between the Practical Results of Current Algebra Techniques and the Originating Quark Model (M Veltman)Landau Poles, Violations of Unitarity and a Bound on the Top Quark Mass (F J Yndurain)and other papersReadership: High energy physicists.Key Features:Comprises classic articles on racetrack efficiency reprinted in one easy-to-use volumeIncludes the only article that the top Hong Kong betting team head, Bill Benter, ever published