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Lights, Camera, Passion
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Lights, Camera, Passion
Author:Adams Darin (EN)
A introductory fragment is available
Language of a book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    What are you passionate about, and how can you prove it?We often drift through life, getting caught up in the day-to-day drudgery that make us forget what really makes us feel alive. Those things that make us feel alive are our passions. They're what can give us that tingly feeling in your stomach. They're what makes us want to wake up early in the morning. They're what makes you feel alive. Over the course of 30 years, award-winning TV personality Darin Adams has met lots of people. Some of them famous. Some of them, just ordinary people. They have one thing in common: those who have passions are more successful and happier. Read about the fashion expert who was able to get masses to rush to Old Navy to buy turtlenecks, all because of passion. (Holly Stone)Read about the cooking guest who made cases of plum jam (before throwing it all away), all because of passion. (Becky Low)Read about the young ambitious sales guy, who was was hired as the youngest trainer at one of the country's top companies, all because of passion. (Matt Townsend)And Darin shares his signature story of going through the grocery store checkout line dozens of times to buy cake mixes and Toaster Strudels, all because of passion. He has captured their stories, and many of his own, in this engaging and entertaining book. Its insights and observations will have you laughing out loud and then looking inside to see what your passions are and how you can engage them. These tales from a TV studio and other walks of life will have you turning on your own lights and engaging your passions.

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