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Big6, Large and in Charge: Project-Based Information Literacy Lessons for Grades 3-6
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Big6, Large and in Charge: Project-Based Information Literacy Lessons for Grades 3-6
Author:DuPuis Danielle N. (EN)
A introductory fragment is available
Language of a book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    Utilizing the popular and familiar illustrated graphic novel format that appeals to young learners, Big6, Large and in Charge: Project-Based Information Literacy Lessons for Grades 3-6 is a book of collaborative unit plans for teacher librarians and teachers that includes all the reproducible materials needed to implement the units. The units are based around the Common Core State Standards, AASL Standards for the 21st Century Learner, and other national content standards. Developed by two library media specialists with extensive experience in creating educational and entertaining lesson plans for teachers, the book takes the concept of Big6 a step further by transforming the process into an engaging character who drops in to help students solve the problems. The exercises presented are based on interesting, realistic situations and are specifically designed to encourage critical thinking.

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