The planet of Arvonia lies in a distant area of the universe. Its inhabitants have explored the galaxy for thousands of years, visiting worlds; some inhabited, others barren and unable to support life. Their mission was to observe and interfere - but only if absolutely necessary...Flights of Fantasy is a collection of 28 science-fiction and fantasy stories. They cover a wide range of topics and ideas; some probable, others perhaps not so probable. Is the disappearance of the cats in the first story something that could happen? Others are pure fantasy, but could they happen too?'When I look back over the changes that have happened since the end of World War Two, I realise that things that would have seemed improbable before then have now become realities. Because of this, perhaps the events in these stories are not as far-fetched as they seem at first,' saysMary.This collection of tales focuses on ideas not too far from the truth and will provoke thought from like-minded readers and fans of sci-fi and fantasy fiction.