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Fast Pulsed and Burst Reactors
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Fast Pulsed and Burst Reactors
Author:Shabalin E. P. (EN)
A introductory fragment is available
Language of a book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    Fast Pulsed and Burst Reactors: A Comprehensive Account of the Physics of both Single Burst and Repetitively Pulsed Reactors discusses the physical principles involved in the operation of fast burst and periodic pulsed reactors. The text first covers the concerns in fast burst reactors, such as the kinetics and the effects of thermal shock. Next, the book deals with periodic burst reactions, which include the neutronics theory, reactivity modulation, and fluctuations. The text also talks about the principles and problems of control and safety of periodic pulsed reactors. The book will be of great use to individuals involved in the operation of nuclear power plant, such as nuclear engineers. The text will also benefit scientists involved in nuclear research.

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